Chapter Two: Thrills and Nightmares

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I got off of the train and watched it chug away into the distance. Much to my surprise, the platform emptied out fairly quickly, and by the time Matthew got to the station, having opted to park the wagon, I was the only one left standing there, save a young, red-headed girl sitting on a bench just outside the ticket booth. Matthew glanced at her before disappearing inside, and I folded my arms in front of me, looking out at the track. 

"Hello!" The girl called. I smiled, turning to look at her.

"Hi." I greeted, tipping my hat. 

"Oh, if you don't mind me asking, what brings you to the train station today?" She asked dreamily. "There are so many beautiful stories to be told at a train station. Are you here to retrieve a long-lost love? Are you picking up your parents from a grand adventure?"

"I was dropping off my...well, I guess they're my family." I replied. "This man and his son took me in, I work on their orchard so...I've just dropped them off on the train to Alberta."

"They took you in?" She asked, standing up. "Are you an orphan as well? Oh tell me you are, and that you've found a kind and loving family to call your own." 

"Uh...yeah. Yes, I suppose you could say that I am." She smiled a toothy grin, holding a ragged carpet bag in her hands. 

I spotted movement just behind her, and I looked over her shoulder as Matthew exited the building from the opposite door. The girl followed my gaze, turning around to look at him.

"I suppose you are Matthew Cuthbert of Green Gables?" She asked, walking over to him. My eyes widened.

An orphan? Were the Cuthberts planning on adopting an orphan?

"I am very glad to see you," She grabbed his hand, shaking it wildly, "I was beginning to think you weren't coming and I was imagining all the things that might've happened to prevent you. I'd made up my mind that if you didn't come for me, I'd go down the track to that big wild cherry tree, and climb up into it and stay all night. I wouldn't be a bit afraid, and it would be lovely to sleep in a tree white with bloom in the moonshine, don't you think?"

I couldn't help but smile as I watched Matthew, still shaking the hand of the strange girl, who had said more in the last minute than I'd heard Matthew say in three years. 

He stopped her shaking his hand, pushing her hand gently off of him and nodding before looking around with a lost expression. 

"I can also imagine that I'm already a disappointment to you," She said, "I'm aware that I'm not much to look at, but even though I'm thin, I'm very strong. I want you to know that I'm forever grateful that you're adopting me."

Well...that answers that question, I guess.

"You're a sight for sore eyes, Mr. Cuthbert."

"You best come along," He said finally, "Uh, I'll take your bag."

"Oh, I can carry it," She said, "It isn't heavy. I've got all my worldly goods in it, but it isn't heavy. And if it isn't carried a certain way, it falls right open, so I'd better keep it. I've come to know the exact knack of it." 

They turned around, walking back towards me. The girl looked back in my direction. 

"It would appear that I'm your ride." I said, glancing between Matthew and the girl with slightly-amused intrigue.

"You're from Green Gables as well?" She asked excitedly.

"Oh, not Green Gables, no," I said, "I'm a neighbor. As I said, I was coming to the station anyway, so Matthew tagged along with us. I think you'll love it though, its a beautiful property."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 02, 2023 ⏰

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