Improper Pleasures

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Killing got easier with time. The first ten times it was so emotional and melodramatic inside my head, like I was a character in some highbrow piece of media about morality and life. That was until I realized that we're all just animals at the end of the day. Sure, we act civilized and smart, but deep down we still have animal urges and behaviors. At 21, I had already taken the lives of nearly one hundred men. I wasn't doing this for fun or for vengeance, I did it to survive. I didn't do it on my own, either, I was something of an "agent". I worked under someone, and there were a few of me-- I wasn't unique or special.

But my circumstances quickly became unique on the night of what would have been my 100th kill. It was one of the oldest set ups in the book; a classic. I was in the motel, playing the scene out in my head before it actually happened. The man was in the bathroom, snorting something or shooting something up. I didn't know nor did I care what it was, just as long as he didn't die by his own hand. It'd take the accomplishment out of it.

Once he came out, I gave a toothy smile and bit my lip, pulling my hand slowly up my thigh. "Ready, babes?"

This guy was like a fucking dog who sniffed any female pheromones within a mile radius. He didn't hesitate to pounce onto me, his long, curly hair falling beside and capturing my inauthentically straight hair. I traced stars in his back with my left pointer finger nail as he kissed on my cleavage and neck. I was bored and able to zone out while these Johns crawled around on top of me. It was pancakes at IHOP to me at this point. Anyway, he had to have taken E or something while he was in the bathroom. In addition to whatever other shit he was on when I picked him up outside of that nasty ass venue, he was bound to be an easy kill.

He was full of himself too. "You know I make music, baby? I can serenade yo' ass if you want," he whispered in my ear. Now I had to pay attention, I had to butter him up.

"You make music, huh?" I ran a hand through the hair at the back of his neck -- the fucker had his dumb fucking hat on the whole time.

He kissed me and moaned an agreeance into my mouth, then pulled away and inhaled sharply. I needed to make the move soon, I didn't want to suffer through any more of this. His eyes were burning holes into my skull, the freak had a staring problem. Well, he could stare at the ceiling for eternity once I was done there. That was the only thought on my mind.

"Wait a second," he said, sitting up and away from me. Here we fucking go. "What were you doin' outside the venue if you weren't there for my show?"

My heart jumped for a second. These guys usually never asked questions, they were too busy being horny or drugged out. Or both. Of all the weirdos I had taken out, he was seeming to be the only one with half a brain. Good for him, not so great for me. Time to turn on the charm, luckily I was a quick thinker.

"Meeting a friend. Blew her off once I saw your sexy ass," I lied. The little voice in my head made puking noises at the last sentence.

"You're a great fuckin' friend," he laughed. Okay...?

"Hey, you want some?" I dug into the tiny backpack and pulled out the heroin and needles. I was told a death by overdose would be the best option for him, no questions would be asked. Junkies were so easy.

He looked at me weird. "Why would we do this right now? You do that shit after."

Well, fuck. I didn't do that shit, ever, but I should have known it was stupid to shoot up right before he was expecting to have sex. I just really wanted to be done with it, something about him was icking me out. Whatever, though. Quick thinking again pays off.

"Yeah, I just..." I subtly scratched myself. "I'm starting to feel it, you know?"

He nodded and moved back to his former position. "I can make you forget about it."

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