New arrivals.

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Not even a day after you and the princess had that talked, she began causing problems for Lahan. You had been on the defensive, reminding her constantly that her attitude was giving her empire a very bad image, something that infuriated her.

Meanwhile Sinbad was trying to gain access to the ports of the Kou empire through your ships, he had implied that an agreement with him, would open more options regarding their conversations with you.

"He didn't dissapoint me." You mused as you received news that the princess was giving in to some demands that were ensuring your benefit and by extend, Sindria's.

"That's how he works. Sin is quite the opportunistic man." Ja'far explained and you chuckled.

"Oh, that's true. But my sources tell me that the three princes of the Kou empire will be arriving in three days. Seems like I became a priority."

Ja'far seemed a bit surprised by the fact that you knew Kouen and his brothers were coming to Sindria, no wonder you had become top dog in the market.

"I will never discover how many magic tricks you have up your sleeve, huh?"

"Aww don't be like that. You make me sound like a bully." You teased and Ja'far chuckled.

"So how is your family life so far?"

"Quiet, well, as quiet as it can be when you have children to raise."

"I bet they all love you."

"Love is a strong word Ja'far."

"Trust me on that one."

You hummed and filled his cup with more tea, you two had been getting along nicely and you felt like opening up to him. Not about your origins but about your way of thinking.

"I guard myself from such feelings, they make you reckless and can blind you to obvious betrayals."

Ja'far was stunned, you spoke as if you knew this concept well and indeed you did. When you visited Olympus you always saw the arguments between Zeus and Hera. How he would betray her and cheat on her again and again. You wanted none of that.


"Anyway, chatting with you was wonderfull but... I need to see how the preparations are coming along. Feel free to stay for as long as you like though."

And with that you stood up and left to check how your servants were doing. The children were in the back garden playing so you didn't worry. You went over everything and double checked the food, decorations and attires for you, your chidren and your employees.

It took a while but once you were certain things were fine you went to see if Ja'far was still in the house. When you arrived at the guest room, it was empty. The table was clean so you assumed he left quite a while ago.

You took a deep breath and began thinking about how you'd navigate your life as a stepmom, a merchant overlord... and a chaotic demi god.

You would eventually disappear as that was "normal", your life would supposedly end and you would have to move elsewhere, problem was that Sinbad had allies everywhere and you needed to be somewhere he wouldn't be able to reach.

While you were in deep thoughts, you failed to notice Ja'far hiding across the street. He had been staring at you after he finished his tea and was impressed with how you handled everything in your household. Still, that troubled look in your face worried him a lot. What was tormenting your mind so badly?

He took a deep breath and returned to the palace, he would enter your house for the party you were hosting, he had to keep Sinbad from getting too drunk after all.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2023 ⏰

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