Dear Diary, Today I Met A Siren

285 20 18

CWs/TWs: referenced transphobia

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Scott stared at the human boy in front of him, slightly startled at his sudden appearance. As he wondered where the boy had come from, he couldn't help but noticed the boy was staying under the water for quite an awful long time. Tilting his head to the side, Scott asked, "Don't you need to breathe?"

The human's eyss widened and he struggled to swim up to the surface, thrashing around as he gasped for air. Scott peeked his head above the water, letting out a surprised squeak when he noticed there were other humans swimming toward him and the human. He dove back underwater hoping he wasn't seen, then looked down to see the human's foot was stuck in seaweed.

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Martyn was sure he was going to drown. He'd been so busy staring at the siren that he didn't notice the seaweed tangling around his ankle or the fact that he literally could not breathe. He could barely get his head above the water as each time he pulled on the seaweed, it got tighter and pulled him farther down. It was like the damn thing was made of leather.

I'm going to die, he thought as suddenly he couldn't manage to get his head above the water anymore, squeezing his eyes shut tightly. I'm going to die because my dumb ass thought a fish looked pretty.

Suddenly, two pairs of hands were grabbing him and the seaweed unravelled from around his ankle, allowing him to swim up for air. He coughed and gapsed for air, spitting out salt water that had gotten into his mouth as Scar and Joel helped him out of the water. He watched sadly as the siren's tail fin splashed a bit in the water as she swam away into the ocean.

"What were you thinking?!" Grian shouted as Scar and Joel got Martyn back to shallower water. "You could've drowned, dumbass!"

Martyn rolled his eyes. "But I didn't," he said, giving Grian a sassy look. "I'm fine."

Grian sighed. "Whatever. No more cannonballing into the water for you," he said, jabbing a finger at Martyn's chest.

Martyn whined. "But it was fuuuun," he whined. Besides, I got to see that pretty siren again.

"Nope, no more jumping off rocks," Grian huffed. "You stay in he shallow water."

Martyn groaned. "Whateverrr." He glanced in the direction the siren went and sighed. At least I know I can see her again.

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Scott had to admit, he was slightly disappointed when he saw other humans come over to help the boy. He knew the boy was a hunter, but he let Scott go instead of killing him. He didn't know how the other humans would react to seeing a siren.

So he sighed and moved farther away. He didn't go back to the Coral Isles, he still had to talk to the boy yet. He still wanted the boy to cut his hair.

He watched as the other humans teased the boy, playfully pushing him and splashing him with water and laughing with him. Scott smiled as the boy's laughter rang out the loudest, the sound like music in his ears. It was such a beautiful, joyous sound. Scott hadn't heard laughter like that in a long time. Sirens in the Coral Isles weren't happy like that.

Soon, the humans were getting out of the water and Scott's stomach churned as he thought he'd lost his chance with the boy until the boy started running back toward the water, diving into it. His head poked up through the surface and he waved to the other humans. "I'll meet you back at the ship!" he shouted, earning positive responses from the others, and he began swimming toward Scott.

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