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4⃨ Y⃨e⃨a⃨r⃨s⃨ L⃨a⃨t⃨e⃨r⃨

Aemma Velaryon stood as the vibrant opposite to her twin brother Lucerys. While his demeanor exuded calmness and politeness, hers brimmed with loud exuberance. In the months following the twins' birth, Alicent welcomed a baby girl named Renesmee.

To Alicent's dismay, Aemma and Renesmee formed an inseparable bond, growing stronger with time. Alicent disapproved of their closeness, considering Aemma a negative influence on her daughter. However, their grandfather, Viserys, found immense joy in witnessing the deep sisterly connection blossoming between the two girls.

In an effort to avoid any animosity between his youngest daughter and youngest granddaughter and grandson, Viserys arranged for Lucerys, Aemma, and Renesmee to share a wet nurse until they were weaned, hoping their shared early experiences as milk siblings would foster a strong bond.

Viserys was delighted to see the close relationship among the three siblings, a stark contrast to their older siblings, Jacaerys and Daeron. Viserys had attempted a similar arrangement with Jacaerys and Daeron, but it had failed. Unlike their younger siblings, Daeron didn't harbor positive feelings toward his older sister and her children.

Renesmee, much like her brother Aemond, was without a dragon. Aemond and Renesmee both faced the unfortunate circumstance of not forming a proper bond with a dragon egg.


Seated across from each other at a table adorned with a detailed map, Aemma and Renesmee engaged in a playful contest, making funny faces in an attempt to provoke laughter. Their innocent giggles filled the room, momentarily drowning out the stern voice of the septa.

With an air of authority, the septa used her stick to tap the map, trying to capture the attention of the spirited 4-year-olds. "Now, children, here we have House Dayne. Lord Ulrick Dayne rules Starfall in Dorne, a house renowned for their ancestral sword, Dawn," she informed them, her tone firm, attempting to instill a sense of knowledge.

"I wanna go play," Renesmee interjected, her boredom apparent in her voice, her eyes wandering to the outside world, longing for adventure.

"You two must learn this," the septa insisted, her persistence unwavering. However, Aemma, her patience wearing thin, huffed in her seat. "This is boring," she protested, her curiosity craving something more engaging.

"Can't we do something funnier?" Renesmee chimed in, her innocent eyes pleading

The septa, her patience wearing thin, tried to impress upon them the importance of their lessons. "Knowledge is power, my princess. Understanding the history of noble houses will shape your future," she insisted, her voice firm yet kind.

But the lure of childhood mischief was too strong to resist. Aemma and Renesmee exchanged a glance, their eyes alight with excitement. Without warning, they sprang up from their seats, their small feet pattering against the cold stone floor.

"Bye, bye!" Aemma declared her voice a mix of determination and mischief. Renesmee chimed in, her laughter bubbling with excitement, And with that, they dashed away, their laughter echoing in the corridor as they ran the halls together playing tag.

In their quest for mischief, Renesmee and Aemma tiptoed into the bustling castle kitchen, their eyes wide with excitement. The enticing aroma of freshly baked cake hung in the air, drawing them closer until their tiny fingers couldn't resist the temptation. Giggling mischievously, they helped themselves to generous bites of the delicious treat, their faces lighting up with sheer delight.

However, their indulgence was short-lived. A vigilant handmaiden, with a stern expression, caught them in the act. "Out, out, you little deviants!" she scolded, shooing them away from the kitchen with a firm but exasperated tone.

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