"Not good enough"

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Rosaline sat in bed. She couldn't sleep all that she could think over was all that her dad was out there and she knew how much that she missed hun and it scared her and she knew that she wanted it to be okay and it scared her. She knew that things wouldn't go well if he was caught and she knew that she would loose him for good

Rosaline knew how she had spent so much time without him. She didn't know her mum and he was her family and she wanted hun back and it wasn't easy and it scared her

Rosaline placed the photo down and sighed. She heard a knock at her chambers and sighed as she stood up from the bed and answered the door as she saw Remus

"Oh sorry" he said as he looked fi her as she stood in a vest too and a pair of shorts as he looked to her

"It's okay. Why don't you come in" she said as he smiled. She could see that she was uncomfortable over the way that she was dressed

"Don't worry I am not going to strip off for you. Are you okay, you look tired" she said as he looked to her and smiled

"I am I saw your light on and I thought that you'd want some company. I wanted to know if you wanted to go for a walk" he said as she smiled

"Let me put something warmer on and I'll join you" she said as she grabbed some clothes and walked into the bathroom to change. Remus looked to her and smiled as she walked out of the room

He knew how close that he and Rosaline had got and he knew that he had known her as a baby but he never thought that he'd seen her so grown up and find himself slightly attracted to her

But he knew how she was his best friend's daughter and how he should not think that, he walked over and picked up a photo of Rosaline and Sirius and smiled as she walked into the room

"You miss him don't you, the two of you were close" Remus said as Rosaline smiled

"I know what you must think of him. I know what everyone thinks of him but he's my father and he's the only person who really loved me. Narcissa raised me after and she loved and cared for me there was Lucius and it was hard. He was horrid and I know it wasn't good" she said as they walked out of the chambers together

He looked to her and smiled knowing that she was Sirius blacks daughter and how she deserve a lot better then hun. He knew how he was a werewolf and he was just not good enough for Rosaline black

Remus looked to her and smiled "I'm sorry that you went through that together. You deserve better" he said as the two of them held a look.

Rosaline smiled as she sat next to Mia who smirked at her "what are you smirking at. Did you finally fuck Severus?"  Rosaline asked as mia rolled her eyes

"No I did not. I heard that you and a certain professor went for a midnight walk you two are getting very cosy aren't you" Mia asked as Rosaline rolled her eyes

"Don't get ideas. He couldn't sleep and well neither could I. We went for a walk and was talk it was sweet" she said as mia smiled

"And that's what it was. Completely innocent" she asked as mia smiled

"If you say so. All I am saying is that you have been through a lot both of you. I see how he looks at you, if I didn't know better I would say that Remus likes you" Mia said as Rosaline looked to her and smiled

"Why would he like me. I am nothing special" Rosaline said as mia looked to her and frowned

"Are you kidding me. Have you seen you. Your are beautiful and wonderful. He would be lucky to have you, I know his Severus has said some things and got in your head but you have to ignore hun. You two could be great together and I know that your worried over your father but as long as your happy that's all that matters and I think that Remus could make you happy and I think that your father would be grateful that it is someone like Remus" Mia said as Rosaline sighed

She didn't know what to think. All that she knew that for years she had been told just how she was not good enough

Rosaline walked into Remus classroom and looked to him "hey" she said as he smiled to her

"hey are you okay" he asked as she walked over to hun and smiled

"I just wanted to talk to you. I know how we are getting close and I know Ryan your a great guy and all. But we can only be friends" she said as he looked ti her and frowned

He couldn't help but feel crushed. He knew how they had been through a lot and how they had been getting closer and he felt crushed

"I get it I'm sorry" he said as she looked to him and sighed

"I can see that your crushed by it. But you have to see that I'm not good enough" Rosaline said as he looked to her. He was confused. He couldn't help but feel shocked

Rosaline black, was young and beautiful and she had this light in her. She was perfect and she made him smile and there was this light in her that made him feel alive

"I have no idea why you are a saying that rosie, but you are perfect to me" he said as he placed a hand on her cheek as the two of them held a look.

She felt her body tingle against his touch. She had no idea how everything was going to change between them and how Remus lupin would become the only person she couldn't live without

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