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Rosaline woke up in bed next to Severus and sighed. She knew how the two of them had held a look. Rosaline stood from the bed as she started to get dressed and smiled as she looked to him

"You should go without the students wake up" she said as he nodded. He started to get dressed and looked to Rosaline and smiled

"Are you okay. I know that a lot is going on with your father and that" he asked as she smiled. Rosaline wasn't stupid and she knew her fathers opinions Severus and vise Versa

"I'm fine Severus. I know your opinions on him but he's still my father and I don't know" she said as he looked to her and smiled.

She watched as he walked out of the room and sighed as she ran a hand through her hair. She knew that her head was a mess and she hated it.

She looked as he walked out of the room and walked over to where a photo lay of her and Sirius from when she was a baby. Rosaline looked to it and sighed as she held it close to her

Rosaline didn't know what to think but she knew how Sirius was out and how he had escaped and she knew what everyone was saying about her father but Rosaline knew that he was still her dad and she knew that she didn't believe a thing that anyone was saying

Rosaline knew that he wasn't the man that they were saying. Rosaline didn't know why Sirius had escaped and she knew how dumbledore had brought her to Hogwarts to keep her safe but Rosaline knew that she didn't need keeping safe

She knew that Sirius was not that type of man and how he would never hurt anyone

Rosaline stood in the hallway and smiled as she saw Remus as he walked out of the great hall. She looked to him and smiled as she saw how tired that he seemed to be

"Are you okay" she asked as he smiled

"I'm fine rosie. I am just tried are you okay? I know it can't be easy without your father" he asked as she looked to him and smiled

"It's not easy.  I know what everyone is saying over him. I know it's not easy I do. I know what he's done things but it's not the man I remember he's still my fault despite it all" she said as Remus looked to her and smiled

He placed a hand on her arm and smiled as he looked to her and smiled

"I know and I know it's not easy but it's okay but your dad has done things but I'm here for you no matter what" Remus said as Rosaline looked to him and smiled

Rosaline sat by the black lake. She was trying to clear her head. She knew that it wasn't easy and that a lot of things had happened and that she didn't know what to think

She ran her hands through her hair as she looked to see a black dog. It was a shagging looking down. Rosaline looked to it and frowned for a moment as she stood up and walked over to it

It looked to her with interest and waggled it's tail as if it knew her. She stroked its head and smiled "you okay boy" she said as the dog licked her hand

Rosaline knew that she felt as if she knew the dog and how messy things were but little did she know just how everything was about to change

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