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A/N; Mia mcgongall and any children she has belongs to _X_Sammii_X_


Rosaline woke up and groaned as she saw that Severus was next to her. She looked to him and sighed. She knew how they had ended up having sex and she knew it was just sex between them and nothing else

Rosaline sat up in the side of the bed and started to get dressed. She left his chambers as she walked back to hers. She changed out of her previous day clothes and had a shower.

Rosaline changed and looked to a photo of her and Sirius and smiled as she looked to it. She knew how things weren't easy and she knew that she kissed her dad, she didn't care what everyone else was saying. She walked down to the great hall as she saw Mia as she sat at the staff table

"Do your the one Severus is pretending to be with" Rosaline asked as mia looked to her and frowned

"What he told you?" She asked as Mia looked to her and smiled

"Don't worry I can keep a secret" Rosaline said as mia smiled

"Your the one he's sleeping with aren't you" Mia asked as Rosaline sighed

"It's not serious trust me. It started when I was a student he took my virginity and it's just a way to de stress with everything it doesn't mean anything. Besides with my father in the run...we'll I don't need the stress of it" Rosaline said

She looked to see Severus as he walked into the great hall. He sat next to Mia and smiled at her. It was a genuine smile and Rosaline could see that. She knew it wasn't a side to hun that she had scene before

"So Severus when we're you going to tell me over you and Rosie" Mia asked as Rosaline groaned to herself

Rosaline walked out of her classroom and looked to see Remus and smiled as she looked to him

"Hey Rosie are you okay" he asked as she smiled

"I swear more and more people are calling me that. It reminds me off my dad" she said he looked to her and smiled

"I know it's not easy but it will be okay. You know that your dad...he is out there" Remus said as Rosaline frowned

"You were his best friend Remus. Do you think he'd do that  actually hurt me. I know what he did or apparently did but James was his best friend and it doesn't make sense"

"I don't know rosie. Look I want you to know that I am here for you and you know I would never let him hurt you. I wouldn't let anyone hurt you" he said as he placed a hand on her cheek and smiled

She knew how close that she and Remus were getting and he made her feel safe

Rosaline stood in her classroom and sighed. She knew how her head was a mess and she didn't know what to think

She heard a knock at the door and looked to see Severus as he walked over to her

"You told Mia" he asked as she looked to him

"No she guessed. I have no interest in whatever is going on with you and Mia. We have sex Severus that's all it is. You distract me from the fact my father is out and you and Mia are pre tending to be together but you wouldn't do that for anyone. I think that you actually like her" she said as he looked to her for a moment

Rosaline knew how things were changing but little did she know just how complicated that everything was about to become

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