"No, I figured it's happening earlier in the day, and if all goes well he should be good to do dinner with them still..." she shrugged, unsure if Tim could hear the uneasy tone she was trying to hide. "Well, I told T it was going to be a long day and that they should stay at my place. It will be safer there in case anything happens." Lucy nodded, thankful Tim hadn't actually told her anything.

They pulled up to Metro in Tim's truck to see Lt. Pine, Captain McConnell, Sergeant Grey, Val, Thorsen, Nyla, and Angela all outside in the parking lot. "Happy Birthday!!" They all cheered once they saw Tim. He actually smiled and chuckled. Lucy breathed a sigh of relief, she had been worried he was going to be mad. After a small smile and Tim taking a minute to thank them all, the group moved inside, Lt. Pine leaving them to do their work.

"So, we have the same car from the other night set, Val got  up the locations programmed into the GPS, she's got outfits ready." Sgt. Grey darted as they all sat down in the briefing room. Lucy sat down, almost shaking from being so nervous. Sensing this, Tim sat next to her, taking her hand in his. She was very thankful for this. "Harper and Thorsen will be at the pickup spot to watch. Lopez and myself will be at the drop off with backup waiting to go in for the arrest."

"And, I've got several Metro teams set up and ready to help." McConnell added in. All anyone could do was nod. This was a big OP and very important to keep LA safe. Tension was thick in the air, the mood was dark.
"And I've already got some fun outfits planned!" Val piped up, clearly excited. Lucy definitely noticed how Aaron's eyes lit up when he looked over at her. Lucy offered Val a weak smile. She couldn't figure out why she was so anxious, this wasn't her first UC OP or even Tim's. Was it perhaps, because there was so much more to lose now? There was so much Lucy wanted, and she could finally see that as a real future.

Two hours later, both Lucy and Tim were dressed and ready. They met in the garage with the other two teams, before everyone got in their cars. When Lucy didn't start singing to the radio immediately, Tim took her hand and kissed the back like he did. "It's all going to be alright. This ends today." Lucy nodded. "This might end today, but what about the texts?"

"Have you gotten another one? Damnit, Lucy! You said you'd tell.."

"No, I haven't gotten another one..." in a soothing voice, Lucy cut off Tim's angry rant. "But, it just makes me wonder, is it really Delilah? If it is, who's working with her?" She was anxious, and why shouldn't she be? She had a lot more to lose now...

"Lucy, I need to know that your head is in the game. If it's not, this won't work. If you're having second thoughts we can pull the plug. We don't have to do this." His voice was serious, but all Lucy could think about was the speech Tim had given her in the bathroom on the plane to Vegas. It was right before their second kiss, which was a big deal to a pregnant and hormonal Lucy. She smiled at the memory.

Just like on the plane Lucy reassured Tim that she was in fact okay, and ready to get this over with. About a mile out from the pickup site Tim pulled over to put Juicy in the driver's seat. A wicked smile crept over her face as she sped off. She barely registered as Tim gripped the "oh shit" handle. "Hey. Hey, uhh, babe. We trying to roll another car or what?"

As she pulled up to the spot she pulled up and stopped hard, jerking Tim's body hard. "Karmas a bitch, huh?"

Tim side glare at her, giving her the signal to stay put as he went in. They both subtly turned on their mics.


Tim didn't even have time to react, the second he stepped out of the car, he was surrounded by large men (he assumed all of not most were Russian) with very big guns. He put his hands up and wore his best Jake smirk, goofy but charming.

Feelings Don't Just Fade - a Chenford FanficWhere stories live. Discover now