"My bad, I should introduce myself first." She uttered out, clasping her hand over her mouth in an embarrassed manner, her brows slightly furrowing. She then proceeded to reach out for the edges of her dress, before neatly spreading them out in a princess-like manner as she slightly bowed down to her guests,

"I am Madame Sapphira, and these are my personal escorts. I am whom you could refer to as the Leader of The Round Table." Having introduced herself, it was only right for Amiya to return the gesture as she went up to Sapphira and also tried to recreate the princess-like gesture, trying to flutter her own skirt, however well that looked like.

"I am Amiya, the leader of Rhodes Island. We are pleased to be in your presence." Her attempt proved charming, landing a gleeful smile on Sapphira's face, to which Amiya also returned one of her own. 

"The pleasure is all ours. Come, let us bring you into Avalon."  Sapphira then said with a courteous gesture to follow her and her escorts, before turning her back onto the Rhodes Island operators. Even as she walked away, her elegance still remained lingering.

Though not everyone was in awe.

"....Kal'tsit...?" Amiya asked, noticing she had not taken even a stride even as everyone else had already started moving following Sapphira and her escorts, leaving them partially behind.

"It's nothing." Though Kal'tsit didn't look like she was put off by Amiya's sudden questioning, Amiya could still sense something was brewing inside of Kal'tsit. She could notice, but couldn't really put her finger on anything that might be the case. Maybe it's just because she resembled someone so much?

Well, no use in thinking about that now. The pair then moved to follow the others.

As they all boarded the elevator, which was surprisingly very spacious that it could actually fit everyone in, they went up. Across a number of floors, 5 to be exact. As they did, not much silence really filled the elevator, as small chatter consumed the atmosphere inside. Though much were between Amiya and Sapphira, who stood quite close to each other inside the lift. 

Refreshing rays of lights then suddenly bestowed themselves upon them as their eyes feasted upon a scenic view, separated only by a glass pane that outlined the shape of the lift overseeing the bustling land below. Words of awe left the operators' mouths as they bore witness to the scene below, unexpected as they didn't notice they were riding a panoramic elevator. The place almost seemed medieval, albeit there was hints of modernity scattered around the land that broke away from the initial belief.

"This is Avalon. Each person you see down there is an Infected, once scared of exposing themselves before the god blessed rays of the sun, sat in recluse from all of society. Now each and every one of them lives with a wide smile on their faces, basking without a care of the title 'Infected' that lives forever engrained in their lives." She said, before the elevator comes to an abrupt stop. The gates open, giving way to the operators inside to step outside, finally stepping on the real grounds of Avalon.

"This is the main city, named Merlin. It's the center of Avalon as a whole." Sapphira utters as she spun around slowly, just as all the others did when they stepped foot. They were all really taking in air of the place.

"Oh look, that's Excalibur." Blaze blurted out having noticed it. Well, it's more or less impossible to miss when you look up and that's literally one of the first thing that comes into view.

"Ah, yes. It's a symbol for us all here at Avalon. A symbol to always stand tall and remain steadfast in life-"

"Ah, look, mom! It's Mrs. Sapphira!" A high pitched voice cuts her off, additionally catching everyone's eyes and attention off of Excalibur. Their gazes catch a glimpse of a small child running towards Sapphira, before quickly falling into an embrace on her legs. Her personal escorts didn't seem to mind, and she herself definitely didn't too, instead going ahead and picking up the kid and seemingly playing with her. Guess this is a normal occurrence here.

"And Excalibur will change all our lives for the better."


"I'm very sorry! She got so excited seeing you, I couldn't stop her in time. She's always looked up to you.." The mother followed shortly, repeatedly bowing down as she apologized on behalf of her daughter. Though Sapphira only smiled, 

"It's alright. Children are gems for us to protect and polish for the brightness of our future." Her voice sounded angelically charming. She then slowly put down the little girl, before playfully bopping her on the nose with her finger. But as she did, she then turned her hand over and opened the palm of her hand, revealing underneath a single piece of candy, neatly wrapped in white plastic.

"Thank you, Mrs. Sapphira!" The little girl's eyes lit up at her offer, taking it before going back to her mother's side. Her arms continuously waved as she left the scene, her cheerful smile plastered the entire time until they got out of their sights.

"I always carry candy on me whenever I head out so I can always give the children some. Their happy faces when they receive one is a timeless pleasure to me." She uttered before facing back towards Rhodes Island. 

"Well, sorry for the slight interruption. May I interest you in a tour around the place?" 

"Um, we'd like to proceed straight to the talks. However, Half of our groups are just here to sightsee around the place, so maybe you'd allow them a tour around here while we engage in the talks?" The Dokutah then said in reply, 

"Ah, I see. It's okay, I'll arrange for escorts-Ah, what timing!" Sapphira all of a sudden cut herself off, her eyebrows raising with a hint of delight as it caught view of something, or rather someone. She quickly extended her hand and raised it high, before starting to wave it side to side with intervals of 'c'mere' gestures.

Of course, everyone was intrigued by her sudden act and also looked. Their eyes met with a man approaching them. He was quite tall, almost as tall as Silverash. His attire was a mix of armor of a knight, intertwined with elements of Samurai armors akin to that of Akafuyu, though the colour of his armor were fully jet black, with only a few touches of grey and red decorating it throughout. 

Two sharp horns were clearly visible on his head, black streamlined with a deep red, almost resembling a coursing river of blood. 

A Sankta.

As he moved towards Sapphira, he walked around and past the entirety of Rhodes Island, all without even batting an eye to even a single one of them-

"Oof, sorry!" A surprised Ghost clumsily apologized to the newcomer, even though it was actually him that bumped into Ghost. Ghost awkwardly rubbed the back of his head and, although covered, tried to smile the tension away. However, the man's face remained stoic, it seemed like he was staring straight into Ghost's soul, right then and there. 

With their gazes interlocked, his slanted eyes became clear and apparent with a sense of judgment lingering out his sharp gaze, almost like an eagle sizing up its prey. As if time had stopped, their position remained unmoved, though Ghost was starting to feel more and more weirded out by the second.

"Okay, it doesn't seem like it, but he's sorry! He's just shy!" The situation defused as Sapphira hurriedly went over to the man and peeled him off of him, dragging him away to besides her. Her expression in an awkwardly embarrassed smile,

"This is Garm, he's awkward around newcomers!!" In a very klutz manner, she then introduced the man. It was a far cry from the elegance she had just mere moments ago. Garm, however, didn't seem as enthusiastic as her. Instead, he leaned in close to her and held a hand up over his own mouth,

"There are non-infected with them." He whispered,

"Don't worry, they're aligned with our cause. They won't be a problem." She whispered back,

"...and also...."

Garm subtly peeked over his shoulder, eyeing a certain someone that's caught his attention,


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