"Mija what's wrong?" Rio asked, quickly getting up and stroking your cheek as she saw you leave Miles' room with tear-streaked eyes, your mascara smeared all over your face. "nothing, it's fine." You sniffled, not having it in yourself to tell her the truth. "You can tell me Y/n, we're family." She said, looking at you in the eye, waiting for your response. "It's Miles," You said, wiping the tears out of your eyes before continuing. "He's found someone else.." Rio gasped, shocked at the idea of her son cheating, "No, no puede ser. por favor dime que no es cierto!" She choked out, looking at you with pleading eyes, only to be met with your sad eyes, finally understanding. "It's ok." She whispered as she pulled you into a hug, walking you towards the door and opening it. "Mija it's pouring, you sure you don't want to stay here? Or have me bring you an umbrella?" "No Mrs. Morales, it's fine, I'll get out of your hair now." You sighed, you couldn't stand to stay another minute in the house, the mere feeling of being there suffocating you until you couldn't do anything but gasp for air. "You'll always be my favorite," Rio said, trying to offer consolation while you nodded, leaving and shutting the door. The rain stuck onto you as you walked, tears finally falling free as you cried in the rain. Was I not enough? Am I not pretty enough? What did she have that I didn't? Repeating over and over in your head as you made your way home, your hair flat because of the rain, your clothes sticking to your body as you walked home; A scream piercing the empty alleyway as someone grabbed you.

Miles sat in his room, thoughts racing in his head as he stared at the messages between him and Gwen. He got carried away, it was innocent at first, just friends who met by chance, sharing the burden of being Spider-people. But it escalated, it soon became hangouts and shared glances, it became kisses and dates. Gwen brought him a thrill he longed for, he almost felt alive when he was with her. But in the thrilling ride Gwen was, he forgot about the person who was with him since the beginning, the girl who loved him despite anything; mask on or mask off. The girl his parents absolutely adored and always bragged about, the girl he always imagined himself marrying and starting a family with. And he threw it away without a second thought, Stupid, Stupid, Stupid. ringing in his ears as he slumped in his chair. He didn't need you, right? He'll always find someone better, heck, Gwen is better. At least that's what he told himself as he stared out of his window, taking in the rain as tears started to roll down his cheeks.
The patter of rain filled the room as his Spider-sense began to tingle. Maybe it was good to have a distraction he thought before shooting a text at Gwen.

"Yeah, the same spot we agreed on."

He put his phone down, pulling his Spider suit on, and leaping into the night sky. There'd been a new villain that had been terrorizing Brooklyn lately, and Miles was certain that they were responsible for this tingle. Green Goblin, There he stood, waiting for Miles' arrival with a smile. "There you are! Took you long enough!" The masked criminal laughed, enjoying the attention from Miles. "Spiderman, today this battle will be unforgettable!" He grinned, turning around and showing Miles the elaborate scheme he made. A bunch of ordinary civilians tied to a ticking bomb and at the end you and Gwen, the two people he loved the most suspended from a bridge holding on by two separate wires. Miles felt his breath stuck in his throat, "How?" was all he mustered out as he felt his knees go weak. His stomach twisting and turning, he felt like he would throw up at any second, "How did you know?!" He yelled out, glaring at Green Goblin. "Don't think I haven't seen you swing around with her," He grinned, referring to Gwen. But then turning his attention to you as he spoke, "Or how you're always so quick and desperate to save her when the need arrives. She's your little girlfriend, isn't she?" Miles' eyes went wide at the fact Green Goblin deciphered his relationship with you, Green Goblin taking notice of his newfound stress and smiling. "Go on Spiderman, save them all," He said, clicking a button and starting a countdown on the bomb. All the citizens cried out to Spiderman while he froze, not knowing what to do. His feet moved on their own as his mind finally started to process the ticking, Miles started to grab citizens and swing them to safety, not taking his eyes off you and Gwen. All the while Green Goblin watched, a mocking grin appearing on his face as he watched Miles struggle. "Time's ticking," He hummed, tapping his wrist. At that moment, Miles brought the last person to safety, leaving only you two to save. "It's over, let them go." Miles pleaded, looking at Green Goblin. "You didn't think it'd be that easy right?" Green Goblin laughed, watching Miles make his way towards him, anger and desperation filling every one of his steps. At that moment Green Goblin kicked a lever, making the wires holding you up falter. "Wait!" Miles screamed, his breath hitching as he saw your face of pure fear. sending a punch to Green Goblins' face. Miles turned his attention to the villain, shooting webs that he quickly dodged, Shit. Miles winced, not even noticing that he had been hit until it happened. A gash ran through his arm, ripping his suit. Miles clutched his arm, blood starting to stain his suit as he still tried his best to deliver punches in Green Goblins' way. "Hurt?" He asked teasingly, seeing Miles' wound. "Doesn't matter." Miles spat out, shooting a web and apprehending Green Goblin. His triumph was short-lived as Green Goblins' laugh started to fill Miles' ears, "You still have to choose Spiderman" He said, glancing at you and Gwen, still dangling by a thread. "Choose Spiderman, your girlfriend, or the Spiderwoman?" Miles froze, he didn't know. He couldn't choose. "No choice? Very well then, people think better in the heat of the moment anyways." Green Goblin said, cutting the cords suspending you both, your screams echoed in the night as tears filled your eyes. Miles watched this with shock, alternating on who to choose, he felt like throwing up. Too disoriented by the loss of blood he was experiencing as he watched you two fall. You didn't want to die, you hoped—no prayedthat Miles would choose you. That he'd snap back to his senses and rescue you, "Miles.." You whispered out, extending your arms in a last attempt. But what did you truly expect? Your heart broke one last time as you watched Miles shoot a web at Gwen, effectively saving her. He made his choice, and he left you there to die.
A tear rolled down your cheek as you closed your eyes, accepting your fate as you could do nothing but smile. All the memories of your life flooded your mind, all the special moments flashing through your eyes, and in those moments Miles appeared. The dates and sweet promises that were made in the endless night skies on his roof. You wanted to curse him and Gwen, haunt him for the rest of your days, but you couldn't bring yourself to. Your heart still holding nothing but love for Miles, you laughed bitterly to yourself. The irony of still loving him despite the injustice done against you stung, and watching Miles hold Gwen as you fell to your death hurt even more.

Miles looked down, anger starting to rise inside him. What the fuck did I just do? He realized what he did, he instinctively went to Gwen, he left you, and he was going to watch you plummet to your death, guilt began to eat him up. He couldn't even bring himself to smile at Gwen as she clung to him, thanking him. He let go of the one person who truly understood him, and he realized this at the worst moment. Your touch didn't feel like theirs, your touch, your words completed him. And now he'd have to live with a part of him gone—empty. Before he realized it he started to sob uncontrollably, shaking as Gwen held him. Your body getting closer and closer to the pavement as he couldn't do anything but watch. At that moment he blamed Green Goblin, but deep down Miles knew who was to blame. And it was himself.

"This is it."  You thought, your vision blurred as your heartbeat raced. Leaning into the warm embrace of death until.—

"I'm sorry kiddo.."

Someone caught you.

A/N! This is my longest fic so far and my first attempt at writing real angst 😭 Lmk if it's good!

| Tu Corazoncito | Miles Morales x Fem! Readerजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें