"tell me it is better here...is the same gender relationship accepted?" I asked biting my lips.
"yes it is...don't worry" she answered with a smile" I am sorry for what happened to you" she added.
"wait do you believe me?" i asked with wide eyes.
"it seems like a real story" she replied handing me a cup of coffee.
"I would have thought you were mad if it was the other way around...like imagine you appearing in 1576 and you tell me you are from the future...i wouldn't have believed you" I said honesty.
"so do you want me to treat you like a crazy person?" she asked with a raised eyebrow.
"no...no...i am not...it is just...it was too easy" I answered.

"well you may say I have an open mind...you are lucky you met me not anyone else...i mean I believe in everything abnormal...like time travel...aliens....supernatrual...you name it" the girl said chuckling.
"wow...i doubt that any of the laters exist though" I said shaking my head.
"why not everything is possible...this earth...this universe holds so many secrets that we don't know about...you can never be sure" she said...well she has a point.
"you are right" i said looking at the cuo""if you don't mind ne asking...the man who was selling ice cream said that you refused to put a restriction order in your ex husband... what is that?"I asked.

Her whole expression changed...she looked sad and I kind of regretted asking her.
"you don't have..."
" I am pretty sure you know what is a court is" she said making me nod" A restriction order is used by  when a person doesn't respect another space or privacy like my ex is doing...he is stalking us everywhere...and he thinks the any man who is close to me is my new boyfriend as he did with you...so if I get a restriction order it will keep him away from me." she explained.
"then why don't you do it?" i asked making her look down.
"as much as I am hurting because of him he is the father of my child...i find it hard to do that" she answered biting her lips.

"it is your life I can't let you what to do but you don't deserve this..."I said gripping her hand as she smiled kindly at me." thank you so much for your help...i will take my leave now" I added getting up.
"but you have nowhere to go" she said getting up after me.
"i will manage..."
"stay here" she cut me off.
"with you...it will cause you many problems..."
"it won't believe me stay here until you find a place...you are not from the future and I am sure you barely remember anything that I have explained so stay" she cut me off again making me chuckle she is right thought...i have no idea how to survive in this time.
"okay thank you...i will leave soon I promise" I said making her smile.

"take as much time as you need...you can use the guest room" she said making me nod...how the hell did I get here...how did I get to the future?

Hyunjim's pov
"Mr hwang according to our scans everything is normal...i think that the memory loss caused by a trauma more than an accident "the doctor said we were inside his office since this morning and doctors kept examining me...i have been here for 6 hours now and it is starting to get hell of boring...just let me go...
"are you sure?" my father asked glancing at me then the doctor he looked worried.
" I can say we are 90% sure of that...we will make more tests if you like but I don't think it is necessary." the doctor answered" but the good news is that Mr hyunjin could get his memory back any moment" he added with a small smile...believe me Mr hyunjin won't because he is not here...and I am not him...i am just an imposter.
"did you hear that son?" my father said with wide smile, I gulped nodding my head silently.
"there is nothing more we could do for now so you are free to go back home" the doctor said checking his papers and as soon as he finished his words I jumped up from my seat making both men look at me.
"finally," I said.
"he got bored I see" the doctor said chuckling...you bet.

"I will be waiting for your updates Mr Kim" my father said as we walked out of the office.
"I think we should take the opinion of another doctor" he added as we walked toward outside.
"there is no need..."
"Mr hwang is it true that your son is back?" a woman said as crowed of people started coming toward us... what the hell do they want?
"a Press Conference will be held to answer your questions soon until then respect the family privacy" my father's assistant as I come to know him earlier said pushing through them as he made a way to my father and I before we entered the car.
"what is wrong with these people?" I asked...my eyes hurt from the flashy thing they were pointing at us.

"the reporters...they came to see if you are alive...i made sure to keep it a secret for now but I guess it got leaked" he said rubbing his forehead." jinyoung take us home" he added looking at the driver.
Reporters...who are they? I gulped looking through the window...i feel like an idiot I don't know almost half of the things that exists now...i mean I am thankful the doctors did not ask me difficult questions they just asked me what year it was and pointed to basic things like an apple and a table asking me to name them...but the other things I have no idea what are they?
"oh before I could forget your sister's fiancee  would be visiting us for dinner tomorrow night...so be on your best behavior" my dad said cutting my thoughts.

"okay" I replied with a little nod, that girl is engaged I already feel sorry for the man...I just met her yesterday and i know for sure she is trouble.
We stepped out of the car as soon as we reached the house heading immediately inside to be met with my dear step sister and her mom who looked at us as soon as we entered.
"honey you are back" my father's wife said getting up." what did they doctor say?" she added giving me a fake smile.
"he said he fine...it is just a trauma that's in his head...he will get his memories back soon" my father replied.
"let's hope that he is not making it up...i mean the memory loss to avoid getting in trouble after the mess he caused" minsu...did I say I feel sorry for her future husband? Yes I am saying it again.

"daughter don't talk like that I am sure your brother is just traumatized we don't know what happened to him?" get mom said, I feel angry when she called me her brother...clearly hyunjin didn't like them...neither do I...
"I will be heading to my room" I said looking at my father who nodded...i need to figure out how things works here without making people suspected of me....

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