Enola and Tewksbury joined Sherlock at the flat a few minutes later, and they all searched for any sign of Y/N or evidence of what had happened. Enola noticed a letter on the table addressed to Y/N, and she quickly picked it up.

"It's from someone named T. Hawthorne," Enola said, showing the letter to Sherlock and Tewksbury. "Who's T. Hawthorne?" Tewksbury asked." Enola shrugged continuing to scan the letter from the table. Sherlock searched the files scattered on the floor and found some more letters sent from T. Hawthorne and scanned through them some seemed intimate some not so much they also seemed to be in some sort of code. Enola continued reading the recent letters, "He says he's been trying to reach Y/N for the past few weeks, even visiting her flat and trying to open it, but she hasn't been responding." 

Sherlock's mind raced with possibilities. "Theodore could be involved in Y/N's disappearance," he said, "but it's also possible that he's genuinely concerned about her." Enola nodded, "We should find him and talk to him. He might know something about where Y/N could be."The three of them set out to locate T. Hawthorne. After some investigation, they discovered that he lived in a small apartment not far from Y/N's flat based on the address located in the letter. They knocked on the door, and an individual answered. "Hello, good evening, who is it," the individual yelled behind the door. "We're looking for T. Hawthorne," Sherlock said. "Yes that, is I, but what is this regarding" T. Hawthorne yelled behind the door. "We were wondering if we could speak to you about a case?" Tewksbury said. A blonde curly-haired man with piercing emerald eyes opened the door and let the three into his apartment quickly closing the door behind him. "My sincerest apologies, my name is Theodore Hawthorne, or Teddy for short, it's hard to trust people, lately, especially with the increase in crime in this area not to mention Y/n's letters telling me to be more cautious, you guys must be Sherlock, Enola, and I'm not really sure who you are," Teddy said staring at Tewksbury.  "How can I help you guys, a friend of Y/n is a friend of mine!" He said cheerfully. Sherlock and Tewksbury stared at each other not knowing what to say. A concerned expression wandered over Enola's face," Y/n, she's been missing for the past two days."

Theodore's expression turned grave " What?" No, no what do you mean she's missing? What happened to her?!" I knew it I should have been there with her this is all my fault. I should be there to protect her...I haven't seen Y/N in weeks. I've been trying to reach her, but she hasn't responded to any of my letters...She hasn't been in her office for the past few weeks I even tried reaching her a few days ago about a new case but she wouldn't answer the telephone. I assumed she had been busy with the case..." Teddy continued to ramble. 

Enola stepped in, "You wouldn't have known Teddy, it's okay we will find her...as for now can you think of any reason why she might have disappeared?" Enola inquired. Theodore hesitated for a moment before speaking, "There have been some strange occurrences lately. Y/N seemed preoccupied with a new case she was working on, and I noticed she was becoming more secretive."Sherlock's curiosity was piqued, "Do you know what the case was about? Theodore shook his head, "I'm not sure. She kept everything close to her chest. But she did mention something about investigating a dangerous criminal organization." "That must be related to our current case involving Henry Blackwood," Tewksbury chimed in. Enola looked thoughtful, "If Y/N was getting too close to the truth, it's possible she got caught up in something dangerous." "We need to find her before it's too late," Sherlock said firmly. Theodore nodded, "I want to help. Y/N is important to me."Sherlock glanced at Theodore, with a tinge of jealousy; noticing the concern and sincerity in his eyes. He decided to trust him, at least for now. "Alright, Theodore, we'll work together to find Y/N. Any information you can provide might be crucial."

Theodore nodded, grateful for the chance to assist. The group joined forces, using their combined skills to follow any leads and piece together Y/N's whereabouts. As they delved deeper into the dangerous underworld of criminal organizations, they realized that Y/N's disappearance was linked to the case they were already investigating. As they closed in on the truth, they knew they had to act quickly to save Y/N and put an end to the criminal organization once and for all. They were determined to rescue their friend, even if it meant facing greater dangers than they had ever encountered before. The clock was ticking, and the stakes were higher than ever.

Sherlock asked if he could look for clues in the office. Theodore gave Sherlock the key to the office, Sherlock made his way to the office while Enola and Tewksbury decided to take Theodore to Sherlock's flat as he would be safer there. He walked towards the front desk and noticed a desk placard with the name "Secretary: Theodore Hawthorne".  Sherlock felt lost, he felt as if it was his fault he had known she was being followed why hadn't he stayed with her? He stared at the newspaper achievements on the wall with pictures of Y/N and headlines containing solved cases. Had working with her made him fall for her? She was intelligent, brave, and caring...Did he care for her? Sherlock's head was spinning with thoughts about Y/n, would he even be able to focus on what he needs to be doing?  Sherlock knew he had to get Y/n back if not for his sake at least Teddy's.

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