Catching Up to A Friend

Start from the beginning

"Right..." the violette turned to the other unknown. This was a mechanic, covered in soot and grime. She was a twi'lek, recognizable by her deep crimson skin and twin head tails. She had some tattoos, lining her lower jaw up to the tips of her mouth. They also looped up forming thin, dark eyebrows. "I'm Lok. This is my garage, and you are?"

The violette waved back, "Hizoshi Shinsou."

The crimson alien continued their previous conversation, since the human didn't indicate that they needed to be caught up. "Well, I've got one ship. Came in from a scrap hauler the other day. We'll need to refit it completely, but it can take you to Florum."
"Good enough." Eve stated. "That's where the pirate's base is."

Ahsoka nodded, but Hizoshi was a bit... less keen. "Can we see this... ship... first?"

"That's actually a good idea." Ahsoka agreed. Lok nodded, and gestured for them to follow. The three others followed into a back area.

Meanwhile, Inko was overseeing the resupplying of the Starrunner. A variety of cargo for diplomatic reasons... as well as a special cargo exclusive for her other mission. Izuku was walking into the hangar. "Everything set?"

The last few crates were loaded onboard under supervision of the clones, and Inko replied back, "Everything is ready just as discussed."

"Good. I'd like for you to check in once you've spoken with the contact at Florum. I want to know that you're safe."

Smiling, Inko leant down slightly to give her son a kiss on the forehead. "I will." Standing tall, she put her helmet back on and walked up the ramp. Now, she had a pilot droid that she could use, but Inko had taken great pains to learn how to pilot the ship herself, all to make sure that she could sell the role of a ship captain all the more. For the first leg of the trip, she would have it pilot the ship, but for the last leg... she'd take the reins. The greenette knew that this would be the single most risky thing she'd ever do in her life. If you asked Inko 3 years ago what she'd be doing, this would be nowhere in her mind. Perhaps celebrating Izuku's second year of high school. Not getting ready to go to space, or even sell quartz to criminals... but here life is, throwing curveballs. Izuku was ultimately right, though. Even if there were risks to selling these valuable materials... and the fact that the underworld could potentially discover the source... it was crucial that they get the ability to start trading with the wider galaxy... and having the ability to needed having money. And the only way to get that rapidly was... through these crystals.

Getting to the cockpit, she nodded to the pilot droid, and he started the powerup sequence.

The ship hummed to life, and slowly lifted up, and into the atmosphere. It'd take multiple days to get to Florum, so Inko would relax while it was still possible to do so.

The heap of junk that was considered a ship was barely able to be classified as such. It was clearly an ARC fighter which had seen much, much better days. But... this one had been modified to have a hyperdrive, and a uniquely purple paint job. "It was brought in by a friend of mine from Kalee. It was in the last battle."
That made sense. A lot of scavengers were eager for a profit. "I've never seen any with this symbol." Ahsoka stated, gesturing to an angular symbol on the wings. It looked like a mask... something that Hizoshi should've looked at as they began work on fixing it. Whole system overhauls, converting the three person cockpit into a full on ship, making it bigger in the process. They also retooled the S foils, allowing them to fold upwards when landing, while also having them open like the original model of ship, making sure the hyperdrive was completely fixed... as well as life support. It took a total of 3 days to fix. While Hizoshi couldn't directly help, she at least learnt the tools of the trade, and how to tell the difference between a hydrospanner and a cauterizing iron. And, at the end, Eve treated the group to a drink at a local cantina.

"Once I get my ship back, *hic* I have gotta give you guys a tour of the galaxy in it." The mirialan stated, slightly drunk. Her cheeks were tinged a deeper shade of green, and she was genuinely smiling.

The Twi-lek was just as content. Gesturing at the green skinned alien with her glass. "Hey, as long as you're paying for the ship, I've got no problems with that..."

It was then that their little party was interrupted. Beings in black armor embossed with a red star approached them. The leader was a Rodian of a vomit green with teal accents and glittering sapphire bug-like eyes. He seemed to smirk, addressing the twi-lek, who recognized him on sight.

"Lok... fancy seeing you here. Do you have the next... payment? You're noticeably... late on your last one." He leant close to her, using his power to leer over the group at once.

Lok, to her credit, was calm, even if her eyes didn't completely hide the mix of tension and masked disdain. "Look, I'm just celebrating a huge sale. I'll have your money by tomorrow. Deal?"

"You better. Xiron won't tolerate any more delays." The rodian glanced at the rest of the table. "Enjoy your 'party'." The group walked away, the two weequay guards following right behind him.

"Wow, they're still kicking, huh?" Eve stated, seemingly nonchalant, but edging away slightly.

Hizoshi glanced around, fishing for information. "Anyone want to let me into the loop? I'm not from Coruscant."

Eve only looked down at her drink, still a bit out of it, while Lok explained, "The Black Sun is a gang that's not just local to Coruscant. They're galaxy wide. They've got territory from here to Nar Shadaa. And they often ask people for "protection money". Since the Guard don't get down here... we make do with what we have to. Even I have to." There was a thump, and the group turned to see Eve completely asleep, snoring loudly, glass still in hand.

Ahsoka smiled while sighing with mild exasperation: "I guess it's time to head back to the shop."

Hizoshi agreed, "Yeah... I think we've outstayed our welcome here..." besides... with this Black Sun group here... I have a bad feeling about tomorrow. I think Lok does too

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