Chapter 3: What Do You Want To Eat Alhaitham

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As Kaveh stared at the blank paper his mind started to wander back to Alhaitham in his dream that morning. Before Kaveh woke up he had kissed his forehead... Wait... ALHAITHaM KISSED HIS FOREHEAD! It was just a dream but still, the idea on its own left Kaveh flustered. He started to consider how he really felt about Alhaitham until his stomach growled.

"Oh right it's almost lunch time... What should I make today...?" Kaveh wondered before walking out of his room and to the kitchen. To his surprise, Alhaitham had left the house all together and Kaveh wondered when he would be back.

Kaveh looked in the fridge and thought more on what he should make. He suddenly remembered Alhaitham requesting him to make some meat stew for him. Kaveh remembers everything about that day. Alhaitham had gotten a cold and asked for the stew because it was his favorite. He even remembered that Alhaitham was very persistent that Kaveh was the one who made it. Stating, "It tastes better when you make it."

Kaveh started making the stew just as he remembered. It was going very well but he suddenly jumped when he heard Alhaitham on the door frame to the kitchen. "Your making meat stew? What's the occasion? You only make it when something happens or if I beg you."

"Ah! Oh it's just you... Don't do that, you almost gave me a heart attack. And there isn't a occasion. I felt nice and wanted to make you some!" Kaveh smiled proud of himself. Alhaitham seemed surprised that Kaveh would do something like that for him. "Ah... Thank you. Kaveh." Kaveh's smile only widened as he urged Alhaitham to sit down.

A few minutes later Kaveh brings the stew over and plates it for Alhaitham. He puts a spoon in front of him and smiled before sitting down. "Tell me if it's good!" Alhaitham nodded and picked up the spoon. He picked up a scoop of practically everything and put it in his mouth. "This is even better then last time! Did you put something new in it."

Kaveh smiled and thought, ("I put more of my love in it but that's it.") But he simply shook his head. "Same old recipe. Must taste better when you're not sick." Alhaitham nodded and continued to eat. By that point Kaveh took a little bit, not wanting to take it away from Alhaitham. "You can eat more if you want." Alhaitham pointed out.

Kaveh looked up and smiled. "I want you to eat it. I made is especially for you so I won't eat it all." Alhaitham blushed ever so slightly. "You can still eat some Kaveh." "I don't need to put on any more weight anyways. You will just work out and lose it, I'll just get bigger." "Kaveh... Your already way too skinny please, for me eat?" Kaveh blushed at how much Alhaitham cared about his health. "Smile for me?" Kaveh asked. "Kaveh please." "Ugh fine. But you owe me a smile!" Kaveh began giggling. Alhaitham started blushing a more noticeable pink but Kaveh was too busy giggling to notice.

After lunch the two where sitting in the living room. Kaveh had finished all his major projects and had taken a small break, doodling in his sketchbook. Alhaitham was reading the romance novel like always. Kaveh was getting bored and decided to draw Alhaitham. Alhaitham noticed Kaveh constantly looking up at him then drawing something in his sketchbook. "What are you doing?" Alhaitham asked. Kaveh jumped not expecting to be interrupted. "Ah! I have been drawing people more often now and wanted to practice so I'm drawing you, it's not very good but it works." Kaveh lifted his sketchbook to show Alhaitham.

It looked exactly like him, down to the way his hair curves, to the way his eyes sparkle, to his sharp jawline, and even the tint of pink on his face. "It looks... Exactly like me..." Alhaitham stared in astonishment. "Really? I thought it wasn't right. There is just something about it that... Doesn't feel right. Like it's missing something you know?" Kaveh stared at the paper, hoping to realize what was missing.

Alhaitham gently grabbed Kaveh's hand that was holding his pencil and guided his hand across the paper to make a outline of a person. Kaveh couldn't tell who it was and he wasn't even paying attention since he was focused on the fact that Alhaitham grabbed his hand. "That looks better." Alhaitham let go of Kaveh. He looked down to see Alhaithem had drawn a messy illustration of Kaveh. "I-Why am I there?" Kaveh looked up at Alhaitham confused. "Because,  you are my roommate. We see each other daily. You are always around and so it makes sense for you to be there." Alhaitham went back to the couch and sat down.

Kaveh had began drawing a more detailed version of himself while Alhaitham kept reading. Kaveh was still a little nervous about drawing himself but he continued. He kept thinking about what Alhaitham had done earlier. "Hey... Alhaitham." Kaveh looked up from his work to talk to him. Alhaitham also looked up. "Yes Kaveh?" "Why did you... Grab my hand. You could have just told me to draw myself." "Because I wanted to help you get started." "And because I wanted to hold your hand." Alhaitham thought the last part. "But couldn't you have just drawn it yourself?" Kaveh asked. "It's easier this way."

Kaveh stared at the drawing. It looked more correct with him in it. It looked... complete. Kaveh sighed and placed his sketchbook on the table. "Hey Haitham, I wanted to ask what you thought about the designs for your new office. Do you mind taking a look?" Kaveh asked. Alhaitham looked up. "Alright I'll take a look." Kaveh ran to get his blueprints.

"And then the desk would be here and..." Alhaitham was barely listening. He was staring at Kaveh's hand, where he held it. He stared at Kaveh's chest, he had hugged him and there chests had touched. He stared at his forehead, he wanted to- "Alhaitham!" Kaveh snapped Alhaitham out of his trance. "What?" "Are you even listening? You seem distracted." "I'm fine Kaveh, just a bit tired." "We can continue this tomorrow if you want." Before Alhaitham could respond Kaveh rolled up the blueprints and put them under his arms. He grabbed Alhaitham's book and handed it to him. "I'll be quiet. Enjoy." Kaveh smiled and walked to his room before going in to continue working. Alhaitham watched as he left, silently thanking him. He was very grateful to finally get some peace and quiet. 

It had been at least two hours and Alhaitham was still reading. He found it strange that Kaveh was actually being quiet. The only sounds in the house where those coming from Alhaitham turning the pages of his book and Kaveh's pencil drawing whatever it was he drew. He slightly missed Kaveh talking to him. It was weird. Normally Kaveh would never leave him alone. But he still tried to focus on the book. Alhaitham found the love aspect a bit weird but he continued reading non the less. It was still good.

("She kissed his cheek. Though she never thought she would find another love, she did, and it was the best feeling in the world. How could she have been so blind to her feelings.") Alhaitham looked at the line. He reread it at least five times in confusion. Was love really so amazing? ("I wonder if me and Kaveh did things like this... If I would feel the same...! What am I thinking!? Of course not. Nuh uh. I have never thought like this and I'm not starting today.")

"Hey Haitham, have you seen my-" "AH!" Alhaitham jumped and turned around. "O-oh its just you. What are you looking for?" Kaveh speed walked over to Alhaitham and put his hand on his forehead. "Your not sick right?" "Why in all of Teyvat would I be sick?" Alhaitham asked confused. "Because, why did you seem so startled?" "You just caught me off guard, that's all." Kaveh removed his hand. "Anyways, have you seen my sketchbook?" ("Yeah it's on the coffee table... Where you left it. Eh I'm bored. May as well act dumb.") "No. Maybe it's in your room." "It shouldn't be, I just checked. Eh I'll take another look."

After Kaveh left, Alhaitham picked up the sketchbook and flipped through it only to land on a page and find-

–––––––––––––Author's Notes––––––––––––––
I love doing cliffhangers. I am so sorry but hey. I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I would like to thank everyone who reads my work it's really great to see people who enjoy it.

I would also like to say that my Zhongli x Childe fanfic is going to come out really soon. Probably before the next chapter. I am really excited, the title will be, "My Love For You Kills Many (Zhongli x Childe)" so keep an eye out for that. Have an amazing day/night.

Words: 1500

Can't You Just Smile (Alhaitham x Kaveh)Where stories live. Discover now