a little piece of us

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*Emmanuel and Brigitte find out something that never thought could even happen! Thank you so much to my great friend JJ_1974 for helping me write this! Enjoy! Love • Bree 🤍*

Mid July 2018

"Chérie! I'm home!" Emmanuel announced, stepping into the house with two large grocery bags.

Reluctantly, still feeling nauseous and the effects of having just thrown up, she got off the couch and hugged her husband.

"What's this?" She pulled a pregnancy test out of the bag, stunned by her husband's purchase.

"I want you to take it," Emmanuel replied, speaking quietly even though they were the only two people in the house.

"Why?! I'm not pregnant!" Brigitte exclaimed. "I'm nauseous but it's probably just the cold or flu!"

He wrapped his arms around her shoulders. "It's more than that, honey. You are tired all the time - which isn't like you. You've been nauseous for three weeks. And didn't you say your pants felt a bit tighter yesterday?"

She couldn't understand what he was saying. It was almost impossible for her to be pregnant. She was almost 70 years old. Her years of raising children were over and she was enjoying being a grandmother. Just to humor him, Brigitte took the test into the bathroom.

"Brigitte, are you okay?" He anxiously knocked on the bathroom door.

"I'm almost done!" After turning off the water, she opened the door. "Now, we wait."

They hadn't talked about the possibility of children - not since they were a lot younger. They had both agreed that children wouldn't have worked in their busy lives. Because of her age, they had stopped using protection a while ago.

He kissed her cheek, "Whatever happens, I want you to know, I am happy."

She laughed, "Prepare to be disappointed because there's no way I'm pregnant. I'm only taking this test to keep you quiet."

After five minutes, they walked into the bathroom together, hand in hand, ready to see what the results were.

"Does that say ...... you're....." Emmanuel couldn't get the word out.

"I'm pregnant," she whispered, just quietly enough for him to hear.

She sank down on the toilet seat and covered her face with her hands. "How?"

"Well, we know how." Emmanuel laughed.

"Are you not surprised? Look at my age! How is it even possible? I thought my days of carrying a child were over!" Brigitte began to panic. She suddenly remembered what it was like being pregnant but she was a lot younger then. There was no way she could do it now. "When did this happen?"

"I'm going to assume it happened around your birthday. We can make an appointment with your doctor to find out more information. We will need to find out how far along you are." Emmanuel explained.

"How are you so calm? This baby will change our lives! Are you ready to be a father?" Brigitte barked, suddenly feeling overwhelmed.

"I already am a father of three," Emmanuel grabbed her hand, "but I am so excited for this baby to add to our family."

"Oh my Lord. This is just crazy. I-I just can't believe this is happening." Brigitte says as she tries to calm herself down.

Emmanuel bends down to be closer to her level, and he begins to rub her shoulders something he does often when she's stressed out or anxious.

"I know you are scared, overwhelmed and worried. To be honest, I am too, but we gotta remain calm and find out what's going on before we panic or anything. Right now, we know we are most likely having a baby and we just need to keep faith that you will have a healthy pregnancy for you and the baby. You are extremely healthy so I think your pregnancy will be fine. Whatever happens, I'll be here for you. No matter what. We are in this together. Okay?" Emmanuel says as he rubs Brigitte's cheeks before softly kissing her and then wrapping her into a hug.

"Okay. God I love you, Manu. I love you so much." Brigitte whispers into Emmanuel's neck as she continues to hug him.

"I love you too, honey. You are my anchor, my everything. I can't believe we are going to have a baby. Our own baby together." Emmanuel says with a smile.

"Me either." Brigitte says as she kisses Emmanuel and Emmanuel kisses her back.


Emmanuel & Brigitte: A Growing Love Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu