Open up my heart, and Then you Stole it

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I drove to his house and didn't know what to do. I replay what happened at the shop in my head. I admitted my feelings, and he kissed me, but he didn't say anything after the kiss, but to meet him here. I sit in my car, unsure if I should get out. When my door is opened. I must have unlocked it to get out.

"You want to have this conversation in the car, or are you going to be a woman about yours and come in the house," he says, and I look at him like I know he didn't. Taking my keys out of the ignition, I grab my things, get out of the car, lock it, and follow him to his front door. He opens the door, and we go inside. Doing what I usually do, I take my shoes off and go and sit on my favorite spot on the sofa. He comes and sits right next to me.

"So," Jason says

"So I say."

"Nah Kei, you started this, so you're gonna finish it."

"Well "

"Well, what," he says

"You kissed me, so does that mean you feel the same."

"Honestly, I've been struggling with feelings for you for a while now."

He says, and I'm super shocked. I was not expecting that at all.

"What's a while."

"A while"

"Oh, "I say

"Oh, that's all you got to say."

"Honestly, I didn't prepare for this."

"So what did you expect me to say? You are like a sister to me."

"Honestly, yes"

"I've known for a while no other female was not going to compare to you, but I mean, we've been friends for so long I didn't want to fuck it up by trying to bed you and shit."

"Wow, I really wasn't expecting that"

"Yeah, well, you got it," he says

Before I could respond, there was some banging on his door, and I put my head on my knees. It was clear who that was.

"Fool, I know you in there, Jason. Open this damn door, you asshole," Cheryl yelled. I just shook my head. We were getting somewhere, and here came Hurricane Cheryl interrupting us.

He goes to open the door shaking his head.

"What, Cheryl"

"I heard you were at the car shop kissing bitches. Is that true?"

"What does that have to do with you? We ain't together," he says

"Yea, but I don't want your hoes around my daughter, "she yells, storming in

"Now where the bitch at."

She came in and saw me on the sofa and just looked

"Oh, it's just you here," she says

"Yep, I say."

"You met his new bitch yet since clearly it ain't you. "

"I never did see what he saw in this chick, but he better get her because I wanted to slap her disrespectful ass."

"Cheryl, you need to go, and if it ain't about, my daughter don't be coming to my front door," he says, ushering her out.

"Whatever, Jason, you're just sorry. I hope your new bitch is better than me would suck for you to downgrade," she says before leaving. We hear glass breaking, and we look outside. She throws a brick through his window. This girl, I think and shake my head.

He sits back down next to me with his head in his hands, and I pull him into a hug.

"How could you love me with all this drama in my life right now Kei, Most women would run far far away"

"Because you stole my heart before any of this drama was a factor," I say, and we just sit there, just the two of us, in comfortable silence. I still didn't know what this meant for us, or where we were going from here but I'm glad I finally told him how I felt.



I never thought Kyle and I would be here, but here we were. I couldn't believe it. I was happy, though. I had wanted this for so long, and it was finally happening. To know that the man I loved was in love with me too. Was a feeling I can't even begin to describe. We were officially an item because he said that he wasn't about to play no games with me; I was now a taken woman. He was at work, and I was making dinner since he would return here tonight. As I turned the heat low on the stove, there was a knock on the door. He was here early. I go and open the door to see Trent standing there. I forgot all about him and us not saying goodbye to him.

So haven't heard from you in two days," he says, walking into my house. I close the door behind him and follow him into the sitting room.

"Sorry, I meant to call you, but I got busy."

"It's fine. I've been busy too. Have you spoken to Kyle" he asks

"Yea, why"

"No reason; just hadn't heard from him either," he says

"I'm sure he'll hit you up," I say

"So I smell something good what you in there cooking."

"You're always hungry, aren't you. "

"Only when I know it's going to be good," he says

We get up to go to the kitchen when Kyle walks in. he is funny just walking into my house. He knows better than that, but I let it go and smile at him for now. Trent looks back and forth between the two of us.

"Did something happen between the two of you?" he says

"You guys seem different."

"Yea, something did. Your buddy over here stole my heart."

"Well, you took mine too," Kyle says before walking over to me and kissing me.

"Wait, when did this happen? That's why you broke up. Karen" Trent says raising his voice slightly.

"Yea, "Kyle says with a confused look on his face. he was probably wondering the same thing I was. 

"I had feelings for Tammy for a while now and decided to act upon them."

"Why did you never tell me you had feelings for her," Trent said. He didn't look pleased."

"Because I just kept it to myself." Kyle replies

"And you feel the same way," Trent says, turning towards me."

"Yea, I do," I say

"Hmm, alright, cool, I'm gonna go ahead and go."

"I thought you wanted to stay and eat."

"Nah, I'm good," he says, walking out the door. What was that about? I have never seen Trent act that way before? I turned to Kyle, I would think our mutual best friend would be happy for us. 

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