the redheaded girl

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KAREN : From one day to the next, we find ourselves in the studio.

DAISY JONES : It was the first time I'd met Billy Dunne. At the time, I simply said something like: I like your song, can I have a glass of milk and a whisky please?

TEDDY PRICE : I was happy for the two musicians to meet. "Glad you could make it, Daisy," I said.

BILLY : "Why are you smiling?" I'd asked Teddy, probably with my eyebrows furrowed.

TEDDY : "I'm pretty happy," I replied to Billy Dunne. Everyone was there. At last, all that was missing was Maria and everything would be perfect.

GRAHAM : Daisy Jones had never recorded, and it showed, she sounded stressed and stoned.

WAREN : She didn't have any pants on, and that was the thing that immediately struck me about her.

TEDDY : As I expected, things didn't go quite as planned. Billy Dunne and Daisy Jones didn't get along. They disagreed about the meaning of the song, the way it should be played. It had been going on for a while, so I decided for everyone's sake to take a break. I took the opportunity to talk to Billy in the meantime.

EDDIE : First we reinstate him as if nothing had happened, and now he's singing with a chick?

KAREN : Who are you calling a chick? I am.

EDDIE : But not really.

KAREN : I wanted to retort something sinister, but a door slammed behind us. We almost gasped, turning our gazes behind our shoulders.

GRAHAM : Maria came out of nowhere.

EDDIE : I thought I was hallucinating, really. But there she was, in the flesh. Her hair wavy, her eyes a piercing brown. She had on a pair of pants and a black top. Simple but effective. That was Maria.

KAREN : When I saw a pair of worn-out black wax boots. I knew. I crumpled toward her, taking her in my arms. My best friend was there. She and I were back. I couldn't have imagined it better.

WAREN : "Maria!" I had shouted into the room, a smile must have radiated across my face. I was so happy to have her back.

MARIA : "I didn't think you'd miss me this much," I replied, squeezing Waren tightly.

WAREN : "What are you talking about? You're like a sister to me," I'd replied as I went to hug my friend close to me.

MARIA : I gave them all a big, warm hug. I was really happy to have them back. I couldn't hide it, and neither could they.

GRAHAM : Eddie could hardly take his eyes off Maria, it almost looked like he wasn't blinking, and it took a loud cough for my mate to pull himself together. I'd never seen him like that.

EDDIE : Yes, I missed Maria. We all missed her.

WAREN : Teddy suddenly arrived. He looked at our friend and his smile immediately lit up, "There you are Maria! I need your help."

TEDDY : She'd brought her camera, just as I'd asked, and it was perfect. Everything was going to plan.

MARIA : Teddy took me with him through the studio corridors. He asked me to bring my camera for some reason. I'd already taken enough pictures of The Six. I realized as the minutes ticked by that I hadn't come for them, but for a girl named Daisy Jones.

TEDDY : "We'll be organizing a photo shoot of the whole band soon, but as we're running out of time for the release of the title, we need a photo of Daisy Jones," I tell her. "Try to do something good in just two hours."

MARIA : Teddy ushered me into the studio and closed the door. I stood alone, facing the girl. I let out a little "Hi!" that made her turn around.

THE INTERVIEWER : What was your first impression when you first saw each other in the studio?

MARIA : When she turned around, her red hair wavy and her waist slim, I was a little intimidated. I couldn't explain it. She was perfect. I hadn't really photographed many girls before, and to be honest, being a female musician wasn't as common as it was for men. One thing immediately popped into my head: inspiration. Like a painter's muse. She would probably become my favorite model, just like Karen. 

DAISY : Teddy had told me a few minutes earlier that he was going to get me the best photographer in town for a little photo shoot. So when I saw this woman standing in front of me with her little Canon camera around her neck, I didn't believe it at first. I thought Teddy was going to bring me some perverted old photographer. But I was wrong. And happily so. She was stylish, she seemed cool, she must have been the same age as me. A connection was already there.

THE INTERVIEWER : How was the shooting?

DAISY : Comfortable. She knew her stuff and had a good eye. She asked me to put on my fur coat and lay down on the studio carpet in a nonchalant manner. "In the way that Daisy Jones would do it", she told me, she immediately understood who I was, and within an hour we were done. We probably spent another hour talking about music, about our favorite concerts in Los Angeles, about being a women.

MARIA : Talking to Daisy Jones was almost becoming therapeutic.



Hello ! How are you guys? 

I missed you & I'm back :)


MARIA, daisy jones and the sixWhere stories live. Discover now