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MARIA : Everyone had been waiting for Billy Dunne to return. Except for me.

GRAHAM : The label dropped us after the tour was cancelled.

KAREN : But we kept on rehearsing.

BILLY : When I got home, I wanted to stop everything. I mean, the music.

EDDIE : I remember when he told us one night that he wanted to stop the band and that we could manage without him, with the music. I told him that if he wanted to leave, he could do so.

KAREN : Bands break up, that's rock. But I thought this one was different.

WARREN : Everything was a bit confusing for everyone.

BILLY : A few weeks later, I finally changed my mind.

INTERVIEWER : Why did you stay?

EDDIE : I'm still wondering about that. . .

INTERVIEWER : Have you had any news from Maria?

GRAHAM : I know Karen had her on the phone about once a week.

INTERVIEWER : Why did she go back to LA?

WARREN : I think she needed some fresh air at that moment. She missed her brother. And then I remember the conversation I had with her and Graham the day before she left.

GRAHAM : We were having a beer when she told us she was leaving. Apparently Karen was the only one who knew. I wasn't surprised.

WARREN : I could feel that deep down she didn't want to leave. Her voice was almost trembling. But for her, it was almost an obligation, she had to do it. She had to go.

GRAHAM : Honestly, I understood Maria. Billy had gone into rehab, the band no longer existed, we didn't do concerts anymore. Everyone was working at some odd job they'd found on the local ad. She no longer felt useful here.

WARREN : Something I quickly learned about Maria was that she wanted her independence.

GRAHAM : She didn't want to use the money we'd earned from the concerts. For her, it wasn't her money. It wasn't legitimate.

WARREN : Maria wanted to make a living from her art. In LA, she had more opportunities in photography.

KARREN : In any case, in all the decisions she's made, I've always supported her.

EDDIE : It was the guys who told me Maria was leaving. What a bitch, she hadn't even told me. When I went to her room to see her, she'd already left at sunrise.

TEDDY PRICE ( Producer at Runner Records ) : I met Maria personally. She told me one simple and effective thing: "Trust me. Give me a band, any band, and I'll make the best picture you've ever seen".

MARIA : Teddy trusted me, and I still don't know how to thank him for this incredible opportunity

TEDDY PRICE : A few days later, she returned with the shot in her hand. A close-up of the singer's face on the left, and the band in a low-angle shot on the right. The band's name, written in yellow, adorned the top of the page.

INTERVIEWER : How was the photo?

TEDDY PRICE : Unbelievable.

KAREN : One Friday morning, I received a parcel from LA. I opened it in the living room and a vinyl stood in my hands. When I turned over the sleeve to see the front, I couldn't contain my cry of joy when I read the little note written on it.

MARIA : I had written something like, "I did it! Happy birthday, Karen Karen. I miss you, see you soon! -M".

KAREN : It was the vinyl of a band I'm particularly fond of. It was also a nod to our first meeting, me and Maria. She had managed to make a name for herself in LA. I mean. . . Maria Whilson had photographed The Doors, for Christ's sake!

EDDIE : When Karen showed me the vinyl, I was so proud of Maria. Her vinyl was going to be marketed all over America with her picture on it, it was crazy! I wish I could have congratulated her that day, face to face.

MARIA : Eddie called me one night. I was surprised to hear him on the other end of the line. Karen must have given him my number or something. He sounded just as happy as I was and at the sound of those words, my smile kept growing, "I'm really happy for you, Maria."

WARREN : Eddie had been on the phone for a long time that Friday night. I remember because I couldn't fall asleep on the couch even with alcohol in my blood. It was as if they'd been catching up for those many months. When he finally hung up, I couldn't resist saying, "You miss her, man?" Eddie threw a pillow over my head and mumbled, "Shut up and sleep."

TEDDY PRICE : This young lady was determined to make a name for herself in LA. She never stopped working on numerous projects. Apparently, the fear of ending up with a menial job haunted her. She reminded me of Daisy Jones. Two fighting hearts. So I brought them together.



Hi! I'm back! 

I hope you still like my little fanfiction (please motivate me haha)

Any opinions? And about Eddy and Maria? 

See you soon,


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