~Chapter Seven~

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"You can't."

 Both Amber and Dreamcatcher stared at her, their mouths open. "You CAN'T!" Dreamcatcher repeated again, looking anxious. "T-they'll kill you, or worse-"

 "And you don't even know what you're looking for!" Amber said fiercely. "How exactly are you going to 'find out yourself?'"

 Reed set her jaw, and snapped, "I can, and I will! I want to know what happened to Kelp!"

 Amber snorted. "Yeah, sure. You think you can just waltz right into Eel's office and find out what he did to your brother? There're about fifteen guards stationed around every door in the facility. And not to mention the ridiculous amount of security alarms."

 Dreamcatcher began fidgeting with her claws, looking like she was about to say something, but was holding it in. Amber shot her an annoyed look, before turning back to Reed. "Look, I think it's best if you just play along. Maybe you'll figure something out along the way, but there's nothing you can do about it."

 Frustrated tears began pricking at Reed's eyes. "You don't understand!" She burst out, angrily flashing her scales. "I just got KIDNAPPED, I don't even know what happened to Kelp, my mother is probably worried sick, neither of YOU are helping, I can't read this stupid scroll, and some creepy SeaWing is trying to make me his slave! I-I can't take any more bad news!"

 She glared at both of them, but immediately began to feel horrible. Dreamcatcher's eyes were wide, like she was about to burst into tears, and Amber looked absolutely furious. A burst of flame came out of her nose, and she stepped forward, hissing, "Listen here, you little piece of camel dung. We're in the exact same situation as you are. You think we WANTED to be here? I can't remember how long it's been since I've seen freaking sunlight. I want out as bad as you do, but WE HAVE NO CHOICE." 

 Reed was left speechless. She wasn't sure how to respond to that... She exhaled, feeling like slapping herself. Again. You stupid, selfish dragon! You obviously needed to realize that they both have been through MUCH, MUCH worse than you... stop being so dumb! But a small part of her still felt indignant, as though she needed someone to blame for her outburst.

 Dreamcatcher sighed and gave Reed a pitying look. "I understand. I truly do... but..." She lifted up her talons with a hopeless expression, her forehead still scrunched up.

 "Mhm..." Reed muttered, her face growing hot. Both of them were looking at her and it was making her feel very uncomfortable. "I guess I'll just head back to my cell and chill there." She said hotly and got to her feet. She leaned down to pick up the scroll, but Amber's talons stopped her. 

 "Your moping is making me depressed." Amber said flatly, unfolding her wings with a huff. "So... I guess I'll help you with one thing. Finding more information about your brother or something like that."

 Despite Amber's cold and uninterested tone, Reed felt a surge of gratitude towards the snarky SandWing. "Thank you SO SO SO much!" She gushed, smiling warmly at her. Amber rolled her eyes, looking slightly embarrassed, and muttered, "yeah, whatever."

 "Um-" Dreamcatcher piped in, looking nervous. "How exactly are we supposed to do that?"

 Amber gave Dreamcatcher a surprised look. "When was it 'we,' dreamy-eyes?" But she was grinning, nevertheless. 

 The NightWing shuffled her feet, and mumbled, "I-I just thought- I could- maybe- help?"

 Reed smiled wider. "Of course you can! I mean, if you want to." She added quickly. I really want to help you, too... maybe I could help them be less sad. I think we're in this together now.

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