Part 23

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That evening, the air had just started to dampen.

You meet up with Seungmin, and the two of you walk together.

The two of you chat casually until you end up at a nearby park. 

You are taken by suprise when suddenly Seungmin stands behind you and puts his hands over your eyes.

He gently leads you through some grass and around some trees. 

When he finally moves his hands, you can not believe your eyes. 

A blanket lay in the grass, surrounded by delicately placed lights. 

"Wow..." You blink. "Is this what you wanted to show me?" 

"To be honest, there was nothing." 

You look at him in suprise, and he giggles. 

"I just wanted to spend the evening with you." He looks down and smiles shyly. "But I was afraid If I had just come out and said that you would have said no."

He sat down on the blanket and patted the ground for you to join him.

He takes off the backpack that he had been wearing and starts pulling out small bundles of food, placing them on the blanket in front of you.

"I thought since you enjoyed the omlette, I made so much that a picnic would be best." 

You look at everything, your eyes widening. 

"You made all of this!?"

He nods, grinning as he passes you some chopsticks.

"Yeah... that's why it's a night picnic, it took me a while to prepare."

"Everything looks so delicious!" 

The both of you dig into the food. It tasted just as delicious as it looked.

You glance over at him. He quietly watches you, the lights sparkling in his dark eyes.

As you look into his eyes, you think about the comment he made earlier.

"Can I ask you a question?" 

"Of course, what is it?" He smiles.

"Why did you think I would say no if you asked me out?" 

"Because I know how much the others like you... and I can tell you like them too."

"What do you mean?"

"I'm sure you've noticed..." He sighs. "Everybody is fighting for your affections."

A sharp pain shoots through your chest.

You had noticed, but hadn't wanted to jump to conclusions... but having Seungmin say it aloud had caused reality to set in.

"I know it must be confusing... your feelings must be all over the place." He lays down his chopsticks, laying a warm hand on your arm. "But I couldn't let myself move on without telling you how I feel."

"I really like you, Y/N... and I know I can make you happy." He looks into your eyes. "Please just give me a chance."

You place your face in your hands, not knowing how to respond.

"I know it's a tough decision... just take your time, okay?" 

You nod your head and sigh. 

As you both finish eating, you help Seungmin pack everything back into his bag and head back to the dorm, feeling sick to your stomach.

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