Part 13

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"So what are you having?" Jeongin asks.

"Just a smoothie is fine!"

You sit down at a table and watch as Jeongin places the order at the counter.

The cafe was warm and quiet with a comforting atmosphere. You could see why he liked it so much.

He comes back, placing your smoothie on the table along with am incredibly Americans for himself and some type of fruit filled pastry.

"What is that? It looks really good."

It's my favorite! Want to try some?" Jeongin smiles.

You nod excitedly, and he chuckles.

"Okay, just let me take a bite first." As he says that he shoves the whole thing in his mouth at once, you were taken aback.

He laughs at the expression betrayal on your face as he wipes the whipped cream from his chin.

"I'm just kidding! I got one for you, too." He pulls out another one, sliding it across the table toward you.

You shoot him a quick look of disapproval before taking a bite of the pastry.

"I'm sorry! I couldn't help myself!" He grins. "How is it?"

"It's delicious!" You exclaim.

He smiles, leaning his head on his hand and watching you eat. It made you feel kind of awkward.

"Is there something in my face or something?"

"Yes, actually... there is." He giggles, reaching across the table and wiping your lips with his thumb.

You feel your cheeks get warm and immediately try to change the subject.

"So where are we taking the photos?"

"There is a small park down the street. It's really pretty."

"Let's go then!" You jump up out of your seat and shove the last bite of pastry in your mouth.


The two of you walk through the park together, stopping whenever you see a spot that looks Instagram worthy.

He sat down on a bench, and you knelt on the ground in front of him.

He posed like it was second nature. He looked like a statue, like he was naturally part of the parks scenery.

You couldn't help but feel mesmerized by him as you watched him through the phones screen.

You could see why he was so popular on social media. You honestly could look at him all day.

"That tree looks like a good spot!" He jumps up from the bench, interrupting your train of thought.

You followed him around, taking photos until the sun started to set.

"It's getting late, we should probably head back to the dorm soon..." You sigh.

"You're right... but there's one more photo I want to take!"

He runs over to a large patch of wild flowers, flopping down onto his back in them.

You stand above him, taking photos of him as he lays in the flowers.

He grins up at you, no longer looking into the camera, but into your eyes.

"What is it?" You tip your head.

He smiles cheekily, taking you by suprise as he grabs you by your wrists, pulling you down into the flowers with him.

"Hey! What are you doing!?" You scream.

You turn your head to face him. He does the same. Your noses are almost touch.

His face glaw magnificently in the sunset.

"This photo is not for Instagram... it's for me!" He takes the phone from your hands, holding it above the both of you. "Smile Y/N!"

You look up at the camera, and he takes the photo. You hadn't had the chance to pose.

He saves the photo, shoving his phone into his pocket.

"I looked awful in that!" You whine.

"I think it was perfect..." He smiles softy. " You always look perfect."

"Let's go back now." He stands himself up, helping you up as well.

You could still see both of your silhouettes imprinted into the bed of flowers.

He takes you by the hand again, as he had done that morning.

The both of you walk back to the dorm together as the sun sets completely.

Stay (SKZ x Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora