Chapter 4: Flying Jerks and Falling shoes

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Chapter four: Flying Jerks and Falling shoes

Since Jesse's party, things started to go downhill. He seemed more uptight, which in turn made everyone else more on edge.

He still refused to tell her anything, and so she'd begun to refuse helping him with her sight (which he wasn't happy about).

Him and Sarah were always arguing now, to the point where she swore it would almost get physical. She'd almost stepped in a few times too many.

On top of that, Sarah started acting weird.

She started wearing sunglasses inside, she never ate, and she was constantly seemingly avoiding Erica.

It made matters worse when Erica would ask Stella about Sarah's whereabouts and she had to lie and pretend she didn't know where she was. It became infuriating dealing with the likes of them, so she went back to her roots.

And that's why she was home on a Sunday night, watching her little sister with her brother and his best friend, Benny.

Benny was a close friend of hers as well, but as the years went on they grew more distant. She blamed it on puberty. She went from being one of the guys, to being not boyish enough to be a bro but not girly enough to be gaze worthy. It sucked.

But, she'd take this over the drama that was her social life any day.

"I love you."

"I'm not human."

"I don't care. Bite me, I'm begging you." The tv played in the background, Jane sitting in front with wide eyes. It was as if blinking would be too much of a risk, and she'd miss something important.

"I don't know how she could watch this stuff." Stella said to the boys, rolling her eyes once she realized they had completely ignored what she'd said, being too enamored by the snacks in front of them.

"Look at all this! What'd you do, rob an ice cream truck or something?" Ethan asked, laughing excitedly as he set the remainder of the snacks down on the table.

"Tomorrow we officially join the high school brotherhood. We are men. We must mark the moment." Benny said, giggling deviously as he eyed the array before him.

"Let's make it the Sunday to end all Sundays!" Ethan said, pulling a chair out to sit next to Benny at the dining table. "Remember in grade five when you put 176 of these in your mouth?"

"Yeah right, it was 186!"

"No way, I did 172- you did 176." Ethan said, disbelief in his tone as he grabbed the bag of marshmallows.

"What, you barely hit 150!" Benny argued.

"Boys, boys please. Let's not fight. We all know who the real winner was. Ethan did 160, Benny did 176, and I did 180." Stella said, leaving Jane in the living room to join the boys at the table.

"No way!" The boys said simultaneously.

Figures they'd team up on her.

"Alright, well I say we settle this tonight then gentlemen." She said, rolling up her sleeves as she sat across from them.

After a moment of silence they all took one long look at each other before racing to open the bag of marshmallows.

"Remember to count them!" Ethan reminded, before going to shove a bunch in his mouth.

Unbeknownst to the three, there was a loud banging that captured Jane's attention. She'd turned to see if either of the teens had noticed, but only saw them too engulfed in their competition to have heard anything for that matter. Well, besides the sound of the other choking on marshmallows.

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