Chapter 3: You are who you surround yourself with...

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Quick Authors Note

This is the last Chapter before the storyline starts matching up with the movie, yay!!! You'll start seeing more of the main characters after this, with some bonus scenes between Ethan and Stella. Also, while this scene is a party scene it's not THE party scene that takes place in the movie, i'll still be writing that as the movie plot goes along. I'm excited to go onward with the storyline, so with that being said, here's the third chapter:

Chapter Three: You are who you surround yourself with...

She'd never felt more...girly. She told her mother she was sleeping over at a friend's house so that she could get ready for the party at Sarah's without having her mom suspect anything.

It was one of the first times she's ever had to lie to her mom, and she wasn't sure if this was the start of a really good new chapter, or a really bad one.

"Have you never worn makeup before?" Sarah asked, giggling slightly as she struggled to put mascara on Stellas rapidly blinking eyes.

"Not really, I've never been much of a girls girl before." She explained, feeling heat rush to her cheeks as the embarrassment settled in.

"Yeah, I wasn't super into it before high school either, but the more you do it, the better you get at it." She said, putting the mascara back into her makeup bag and pulling out lipstick, lightly dabbing it over Stellas lips.

"Ok, all done." She said, turning Stellas chair towards the vanity mirror.

She didn't look too different. She just looked like a slightly done up version of herself, which was perfect because she didn't want to seem too try hard.

She wore a red dress with a black mesh trim over it that was a little too short for her liking, but she'd seen it at the mall and when Sarah noticed her eyeing it, she convinced her to get it. She figured she couldn't be going wrong if she'd gotten Sarah's approval. Her hair was down and natural as it usually was, and she wore her doc marten boots, the only other shoes she owned besides her converse.

Although they were all minor changes, they were still changes she wouldn't have made for herself. She rarely strayed from her baggy low rise jeans, graphic t-shirts, and high top converse so this was a big step up in her eyes. For the first time in forever she felt like she actually wouldn't mind being perceived, like she didn't want to blend into the crowd for once.

"Jesse's gonna be here in five, we should start heading downstairs now." Sarah said, pulling a small leather jacket on over her outfit and grabbing her phone.

Sarah's parents weren't home, and apparently that was a common occurrence. Her relationship with her family, from what Stella had heard, was complicated at best. She didn't have any siblings, but wasn't exactly given much attention by her parents either. They were almost never home, and barely even still together. Sarah had briefly explained it before, but it seemed like a touchy subject so Stella didn't push. But, that explained why she had so much freedom. Her parents didn't really care what she did.

It's not that they didn't love her, they did. They just had trouble showing it, too caught up in their own affairs to notice how it was affecting their daughter.

"Have you ever been to his parties before?" Stella asked, feeling the nerves settle at the pit of her stomach.

"Yeah, he throws them often and we've been dating for over a year so I've been to a couple, but not all of them since some of them are drama club kids only. They're fun, but some of his friends can be a little weird. That's partially why I was excited he invited you, it'll be nice to have someone normal there for once." Sarah explained as they walked downstairs.

Her Eyes Whisper (the things they won't say) - My Babysitter's a VampireWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu