After a while I heard the go open and walked a half asleep Wanda, I checked my phone and saw it was 6:15am. I left Wanda in the training room and went straight to Lucy's room. When I walked in I saw her cuddled into a tight ball, still fast asleep. I looked at her and took in all her features. She looked so peaceful, her mouth was slightly open and she's making this little whine sound every few breaths. Shame, I have to treat her like I would others. I go into the bathroom and fill a glass half full with cold water. I slowly go back into her room and slowly pour it over her head. She jumps up straight out of bed, the glass flies out of my hand and smashes across the room.

"What the fuck!" She looks at me quite angry. I smile at her.

"Goodmorning малыш, I said 6am it's nearly 6:30am, you're lucky I didn't just pick you up and drag you to the training room. Now get changed and I will see you in the training room in five minutes" I give her a quick kiss on the forehead before leaving the room and going back to the training room.

"Someone is pissed off" Wanda says while stretching, I look at her confused.

"I'm not pissed, what are you on about?" I asked her, looking confused.

"Lucy, heard her scream from here" she replies pointing to her head, understanding what she means now. We wait around for Lucy who makes her way into the room within the five minutes after I left her.

"Right let's start, I think Wanda should go first since I don't think you're up for running just yet" I say, we make our way into the power room, I sit in the corner of the room while letting Wanda take over.

"Right I know you can use telekinesis so we start with that, remember this isn't training it's just to see what you can do and stuff so we can see how much you have improved once we start training you. Right see that bowling ball, can you lift it up and place it back down? I would start small but I know you can do that" Wanda explains pointing to the bowling bowl on the side of the room but making sure she's ready incase.

Lucy walks towards the ball and holds out her hands, she lifts the ball off the ground and it lifts up a few inches from the ground before it drops.

"Could you lift it a little higher and hold it this time?" Wanda asks her. She turns back towards the ball. She holds out her hands, the green wisps go from her fingers and around the ball. The ball lifts into the air and she holds it around her chest height.

"I don't think I can hold it for long" she says, not looking at us, keeping her focus on the ball.

"It's fine, hold it as long as possible, just so we can see" I answer while timing her holding the ball. She's able to hold the ball a total of 7 minutes and 20 seconds. She looks angry at herself but Wanda helps her.

"Hey it's fine, you have to work with it, it will get better once you start training. Could you lift something heavier, doesn't matter how long just to see if you can lift it?" Wanda asks, Lucy says she can try. Wanda walks further into the room.

"Right, pick me up?" Lucy looks confused.

"I can't, I'll hurt you" she starts to panic but Wanda goes to her and helps calm her down. They take a few minutes just talking till she's ready to try. Wanda walks back into the room and looks to Lucy. Again she raises her hands and the green wisps leave her hands and go around Wanda's body, slowly she's picked up by a few inches, she holds her there for about 30 seconds before putting her back down.

"I couldn't hold it much longer" Lucy says while Wanda walks over, giving her a bottle of water and a banana.

"Eat and drink, a few minutes then we will carry on" Lucy starts eating, she comes to sit next to me. I hid the report from her.

"Hey, if it's about me I wanna see" she pouts at me. I just smile at her.

"No, maybe after your training, we have to be hard on each other and you don't need to see that just yet. You can ask me anything you wanna know" I answer her honestly. She agrees and goes back to her banana.

Over the next hour we went through all her powers, she tried reading Wanda's mind and was able to hear things if she thought very loud. She couldn't teleport at all no matter how annoyed she got. Finally her energy balls like what Wanda does, she was able to make small ones and fire them, aim was off and it was like she's scared to make them too big, we can work with that.

We finally made it onto fitness, we started on the treadmill, she's good but can improve, she keeps her pace lower to last longer which is wise, shows she thinks ahead. We make our way around the training room, doing different exercises, weight lifting , etc. Finally on the last part, sparing.

"So remember you need to hold your punches, you can hit but don't go full force, ok?" I ask her while we get into the ring.

"Yeah I understand" she replies while we start circling one another.

"Start whenever you're ready малыш" I'm ready for her, I thought I could read her like a book but all of a sudden I can't, just like her face has lost all emotion. I'm waiting for her to make the first move since that's how you make a mistake but it looks like she's doing the same. We both are just going around the ring. It doesn't look like she's going to make a move anytime soon. I start thinking how to strike without giving it away.

I flip forward and slip under her legs, I kick her from behind. She stumbles but recovers before spinning around. She looks like she's going to kick me, I go to block her kick aiming for my side, but at the last moment she changes her body and sweeps out my legs. Before I know it I'm heading to the floor. She dives on top of me holding my arms by the side of my head with a smirk across her face.

"Surprised малыш" she says while enjoying being on top. With one movement I flip her over so I'm now holding her down.

"Don't be cocky малыш and when did you speak Russian? I ask her, she tries to wiggle from my grip but she isn't going anywhere.

"Русский мой родной язык, чему ты удивляешься? (Russian is my first language, why are you surprised?)" She answers me back while I get off of her and help her up.

"So why were you taking Russian at college?" I ask her confused, she starts laughing.

"I couldn't be arsed to do much work but I had to take another course so picked Russian, thought after a few weeks I could sweet talk the teacher into just giving me the work so I could just sleep instead of go to class" she answered, I chuckled at her response.

"Nar I would have made you still come to class and I would have been extra hard on you" she pushes me away from her as we get back into position to go again.

Over the next hour we go round after round, she does manage to pin me a few times but never able to hold onto it. She's really good, against anyone else she would definitely win. We all head to the kitchen to have breakfast once we are all finished. Lucy heads up to her room to shower and nap, while me and Wanda both sort through her assessment and training plan. 

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