"Hi I'm Bruce, nice to meet both of you" he extends his hand to Lucy first before me. Why is this so weird?

"While you're here with Bruce, I'm just gonna grab lunch for us all, is pizza ok?" Steve asks us both, we both just nod our heads as he walks out of the room. We both turn back to look at Bruce, he signals us to follow him further into his lab to a small seating area. He sits on a chair and signals us to take the couch.

"So usually when people come here we ask if we can run some tests. It's your choice what we do or not do, we can leave it for another time or never do it, completely your choice" Bruce explains calmly to Lucy, I felt her tense at first but she relaxes as he explains. She gives him a slight nod to carry on.

"If you would allow me, I would like to do a complete blood work up to see how your powers have affected your body and if you have anything hidden in there. Also I would like to do a power scan, that doesn't hurt at all and will tell us what powers you have so we know what we need to help you with and stuff. I would also like to do a complete medical assessment but I think we can leave that for today" Bruce explains really calmly to her, I look over to Lucy and she has a small smile breaking her face.

"Yeah...sure, you can do them" she tells Bruce. He asks us to move over to the bed in the middle of the room while he grabs a tray. She sits on the bed while I'm standing next to her holding her hand still. Bruce comes back with a tray, and asks Lucy to hold out her arm. He ties some elastic around her arm before placing the needle in. She puts her head into my chest and I hold her tight. While Bruce is taking a number of blood samples from her, I stroke her hair and whisper encouraging words to her.

"And done" Bruce says while removing the elastic, Lucy whips her head to him quite quickly with a confused look on her face.

"That didn't hurt like the other times?" she questioned Bruce who looked just as puzzled back at her.

"Only the needle going in should pinch a little, taking blood shouldn't hurt. You can tell me more about that another time and I can see if I can figure out what they were doing, ok?" he reaches behind him for a tray of cookies and offers us both one. Lucy goes to say no but Bruce pushes her due to the amount of blood he took to help her sugars.

After eating her two cookies and having a little rest, we made our way over to the power chamber. It looks like this big scary machine, hope she doesn't freak out with this.

"So this machine works like a CT or an MR. You stand inside the red square on the floor and the machine will scan all around you, it will take about five minutes, you will feel no pain just boredom in there" he chuckles at the last part and even Lucy lets out a few giggles. She takes off her bracelet and hands it to me. She then empties all her pockets and puts them on the counter. She trusts me so much if I'm looking after her bracelet but her phone and wallet are fine on the side.

She takes a big breath and steps into the machine, Bruce walks around her setting it up. Her eyes are closed but she doesn't look like she is panicking. Bruce tells her she will hear the machine run and to try to not move if possible. The machine starts spinning around her quite fast, going up and down her whole body. She slowly opens her eyes after a few minutes and keeps them open until the machine has stopped moving and Bruce says she can leave. When she comes over to me I pull her into a massive hug, tell her how proud I am of her. She grabs her stuff and puts her bracelet back on.

"Right so I will have the results by your next visit, for now we will just work with what you know. Before you carry out the tour do you have any questions or medical issues?" Bruce walks us back towards the door while asking.

"I'm good, thanks Bruce" she speaks up next to you. I've just seen she hasn't reached for my hand yet since leaving the machine. I'll wait and see how long this lasts.

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