New blood bag.

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○●Laito's Pov●○
We arrived at the mansion. And Reiji introduced us all to Ema. Now Kanato was introducing Teddy to her. She was sweet to him, looks like her, and Kanato will get along fast.

○●Yui's Pov●○
I went downstairs to the living room. I found them all in, including some girl I never saw before she is beautiful, no gorgeous, she has long blond hair, blue, big innocent eyes
She was playing with Kanato and Teddy.

"Hi," I said, looking at her. She blushed and nodded.
She is so cute.

"Who is she?" I asked, looking around the room for whoever is going to answer.

"She is our new blood bag~," Laito chimed. I looked at Ayato.

Is she going to take my place.?.
She will! She probably will.
I just nodded.

I went to my room followed by Ayato...

"Why are you following me, Ayato-kun?" I asked, annoyed.
He pinned me to the outer side of my room door.

"Are you jealous?" He asked me smirking. I blushed and shook my head.

"Oh, you're bad at lying, anyways don't worry, you are only mine." He said, bitting my neck.

○●Ema's Pov●○
After dinner, I helped the maids a
I always helped the maids back home. I just don't feel right or let's say comfortable  when people are working for me.
And I made new friends , turns  out  all of them are vampires.
I was told then by a butler to go to Reiji's room, which is a lab/office.
He led me there since I don't know the way.

I only know the way from my bedroom to the living room and dining room and back.
He dropped me off there, and I thanked him and smiled he smiled back. He was nice.

I knocked on the door, and I heard a low "come in."
I entered and smiled, bowed my head lightly to him.
Reiji seemed to be a strict scary kind of person. He has his stern formal way of thinking.

Which scared me.
He nodded and asked me to sit down. I just nodded and did so.
"I want to try something on you."

He said, simply looking at me.
"O-okay," I stuttered.
He then got up and went and poured something hot in a tea cup.
He then gave it to me, and I drank it.

○●Reiji'a Pov ●○
I like her manners she probably has
Good manners because she lived in a mansion. But what really surprised me was that she didn't complain nor protest on what she was told. Yui would probably
Complain and ask questions.
She drank it. The truth is it's just normal tea. I didn't want to hurt her
She didn't do anything that she deserved punishment for.
She drank more and looked at me confused.
"Is the problem from me?" She asked, looking at me worriedly.

"You've probably worked hard on that. I'm sorry it didn't work.
I can help you. I'm good at chemistry."
She chimed. I was shocked but didn't want to show it.
She is now smelling my tea.
"It seems like normal tea to me,
It smells normal and tastes normal."
She said, looking at me concerned.
How could she be like this since
I was trying to poison her?...
I didn't like it she is just a stupid mortal. That's all.
I stood up and stood her up, shoving
Her onto my book shelves.
"Who do you think you are?" I asked
Glaring at her...
"You are a blood bag. That's all you are, you foolish mortal. Don't think your sweetness will get you any good. We are heartless. We won't  care less." I said, going to her neck.
"I-I understand, I-I'm s-sorry. I didn't m-mean t-to do that. I-I didn't m-mean t-to offend y-you."
She trembled out.
Fear was written all over her face.
Her eyes were shut tight. Her wrists in my hands were fists.
She was defenceless.
I bit her neck purposely harshly.
Her body flinched hard.
She whimpered.
"O-ow!" She said lowly.
I guess I'm really hurting her good.
I pulled away and looked at her she looked down the floor.
''I-I'm s-sorry. " She stuttered
"May I be excused?" She asked softly, not even looking at me.
I nodded. She bowed her head and left.

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