Link bolted down the street as fast as he could. The few citizens up so early were surprised by Link's change in appearance, but the boy didn't pay them any mind. He was thinking about only one thing, more specifically, one fairy. All he could hear was his own heart pounding in his ears.

The front door to the house flung open and Link looked around in a panic. His eyes darted everywhere until he finally found his friend. Navi.

Navi was resting on a pillow, sleeping like an angel. Tatl leaned against the side of said pillow. And right next to her was Navi's right wing. A chill crept down the hero's spine as he slowly approached, eyes never leaving the broken piece.

Tatl picked up on the sound of the creaking floorboards and snorted awake.

"Oh, hey Link..." Tatl used her hands to comb her hair out of her face. "What's uuuhhh..."

Tatl noticed Link's bizarre hair. She tilted her head and then rubbed her eyes, unsure if she was seeing things. Nope, it was still there. He had a prominent silver streak at the left side of his head. His left, that is.

"What? What is it?" Link asked. Before the fairy could answer, a gasp came from the stairs.

"Link?!" Anju said, hand to her mouth. "Wh-What happened to your hair?"

"Huh? What do you mean?" Link looked at a lock of his own hair, conveniently one that was normal. The innkeeper just sighed.

Anju walked up to her surrogate son and gently held the part of his hair that was different from the rest. Now Link was able to see it. It was his turn for his eyes to go wide, but nothing came from his mouth. He just stared at his gleaming silver locks for a moment.

"N-Never mind that-" Link tore his attention from himself and turned back to his fairy companions. "A-Are you guys alright?"

Tatl took a second to fully wake up, and then she turned her gaze to where Link's was. The wing. The normally loud fairy didn't make a sound. She looked down in shame, a red tint forming along her cheeks.

"She-" Tatl stuttered, rubbing her arm. "She'll be fine, she just has to see one of the Great Fairies to get fixed up."

"How long will that take?" Link asked.

"A day, maybe more..." Tatl replied, her voice becoming smaller and smaller.

"More than a day?! But we need Navi! Can't I heal her with the Song of Healing?" Link almost shouted. Navi grunted and adjusted herself, still staying asleep. Link hushed himself and still thought about the blue fairy.

"You know that's not how it works, Link." Tatl said, flying up and sitting herself beside Navi on the pillow. "Someone like you can't use magic on one of us. It's only the other way around..."

Link groaned and put his hand to his temples. Someone like him. There were hardly any people like him. "I never understood that..."

"Fairies can't be helped by their companions. We're meant to serve, not be served." Tatl stated, reaching towards and caressing Navi's hair without a second thought.

"Link, honey. If there's nothing you can do, then that's still alright." Anju consoled her son, wrapping her arms around him. Link returned the gesture and hugged his mother.

"The best thing we can do is make sure she gets tended to by the right person." The innkeeper spoke in her trademark voice, soothing the teen's spirits.

"Fine." Link said reluctantly. He lowered his tired eyes, not sure what to do next.

"Just remember, today was when we were supposed to head back home, but you all need to rest." Anju said.

A Terminian and the Twilight of Danger (MM/OoT Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now