Jimin looked at her.

"Poison? I...I didn't take any poison, what are you saying!" Jimin yelled.

The doctor looked at jimin.

"What about the pills you took to prevent you from getting pregnant?"

Jimin suddenly started crying.

"What is wrong with both of you!!! I don't understand what you're talking about!!! I wasn't pregnant!!! I didn't take Poison!!! I didn't take any pills!!!"

He yelled.

"Stop lying jimin!!! No need to hide it anymore! Tell me who got you pregnant!!! Who did you slut around with!?! Tell me!!!"
Jungkook yelled.

"S... sir. I think we should let him he for now. His mental health is probably not stable. We'll give him sedative for him to go to sleep and once he wakes up, we'll talk about it again. Maybe it's the effect of the injection we gave him" she said quietly to jungkook only.

Jimin cried in his palms softly.

Jungkook nodded at her, his glaring gaze still on jimin.

"I'll be back, and when I come back. You have a lot of explaining to do" jungkook said coldly to jimin then stormed out of the hospital ward.

Jimin didn't have strength to tell for him to come back so he just cried.

"What is happening doctor? I'm telling the truth! I don't know what you're talking about! The only pills I took were the ones my therapist priscripted for me to take! He even gave me new ones today and that's the one I took and then I passed out, I Don't remember anything after that. Please, I'm saying the truth" he cried to the doctor with his face bright pink.

The doctor furrowed her brows.

"The ones your therapist prescripted?"

Jimin nodded while wiping his tears.

"Okay. If you could call someone you trust to get the pills from your house and bring it here for examining then it'll be great" she said.

Jimin tried to think of who to call but he has no one, but only jungkook and jungkook is currently angry at him so he got no one.

"I...I don't have anyone doctor. Only my boyfriend and he's angry at me now. C...can I go get it myself?" He asked.

"Are you strong enough to go alone? Or should one of the nurse accompany you?"

"N..no. I'll go alone. I'm strong enough"

The doctor nodded.

"Okay, you can change your clothes and go get it, bring it back here, I'll be waiting"

She said with a smile.

Jimin nodded then did as she told.


Jimin stumbled into his house and rushed upstairs to his room.

He went to his closet, where he keeps his drugs, but when he opened the closet, it was empty.

His eyes widen, he threw out all the clothes in his closet but found nothing. Absolutely nothing.

"Where is it!!!" He screamed, pulling everything out of his closet but still nothing.

He walked to his vanity but still nothing was there.

"S..someone came in here and took all the pills!!! W...who took it!!! Who!!?" He screamed, crying.

He took out his phone with shaky hands, he called Eun woo.

But his phone was switched off.

"What do I do now!?!" He cried.

He sat on the floor, crying hard.

Then his eyes caught something.

He crawled to it and there, he saw a pill on the floor.

'It must have fell out when I passed out' he thought then took the pills in his hand then he stood up and rushed out of the house.

He got into the car and drove to the hospital.

He ran like a maniac to where the doctor was waiting for him.

"H..here it is!!!" He yelled as he barged in.

He went to the doctor then gave it to the woman.

"Let's go exa.......

The rest faded out as jimin passed out on the floor.


Long time no see 😣

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