Chapter 1: Boy on the Beach.

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Officially beginning the story :D! SORRY IT TOOK SO LONG- I'M NOT DEAD I PROMISE! I got stressed due to the twins birthday- also because their birthday is my birthday- my family has been annoying, and my mental health is awful.

Warnings: Traps, Swearing, Blood, Genya's family being alive (I won't kill them this time.)

Boy on the Beach.

- - (Genya's POV) -

I sighed, I dug my feet into the warm sand, the sound of waves not to far from me. I looked up at the sky, a big blue void. There weren't any clouds today, but honestly, I was ok with that. The sky was gorgeous with or without them. I sighed again, I needed this walk. Don't get me wrong, I love all of my seven siblings- but sigh. Children.

I took a breath, then continued to walk forward. I stepped on the sand, sometimes digging my feet through it and kicking upwards. Was it childish? Sure, do I care? No.

Some birds flew over me, I didn't know what they were off the top of my head. They flew over me and to the forest right by this beach. It was a private beach, stretched halfway across our property. I gave up trying to remember how big our property, but this beach was fucking massive. 

I looked back out to sea, waves crashed on the beach. I kept walking, hands in my back pockets. I must have forgotten my phone back at home, that's ok it was our private beach, no one should be here.

I let out another sigh, a plane flew above me. I wonder if that's mom's plane. Mom was going away for a business trip today. Right, that means I'm in charge. Because Dad is off doing who knows what, he doesn't care about us. He basically gave us this big beach house and then went to get the milk. That's fine, Mom is great. She works hard to support all of us and the house. Even Sanemi helps out, he's done more than dad could ever do.

Sanemi was older than me,  he's 21 now. He moved out at 20, he went to live with his fiance. I think their going to have their wedding soon, I hear they also adopted a daughter. I'm glad he's doing well.

I kicked some sand, but something caught on my foot. I knelt down and grabbed the string. It was string? It looked like some fishing line. Oh, someone must have cut it and left it- but it's just us on this beach.... I grabbed onto the line, following the string. It led me down the beach, and around a turn. I pulled it once, something heavy was attached to it. I pulled it again out of curiosity, then something pulled me forward.

I fell forward onto my knees, I dropped the line and it actually slid away from me. I followed the line that was sliding away from me. It stopped and I could actually hear something thrashing. I slowly moved around a tree, and there was something, no someone.

It was a mermaid. Tangled in nets and strings, the fishing line, no I think it has to be a trap. His tail was stuck in a net, one of his arms was bleeding as the other one laid on the ground. He wasn't moving. Was he breathing?

I shuffled over, he was breathing. Oh my gosh- it was a real mermaid. I crouched down next to it, it had long hair gray hair, with teal tips that almost looked like waves. I think it was a he, he was stunning.

"Oh-" I gasped, the poor thing had fishing line wrapped around his neck, stuck in his gills. He was wheezing almost, I could tell he was unconscious.

I had to bring him home, he would die if he was left out here on his own. The net on his tail had sliced small shallow cuts into his tail. His arm was bleeding and bruised- Oh- I gently hovered my hand over his back, resting my hand on his back scales. He was in fact breathing, that's good. There's probably going to be sand in his wounds- that's going to be a pain to clean.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2023 ⏰

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