~Chapter 05~

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"Sir, I think your hair is really really fancy!" a young girl exclaimed cheerfully as Hongjoong and director Park were walking by.

A happy smile formed on Hongjoong's face. "Thank you!" Hongjoong shouted back, making the girl alongside her friends giggle.

"Oh Mr. Kim, I'm so sorry for all the glares and mumbles. We should've gone when the kids have lessons," Director Park apologized.

"No no, it's absolutely fine! I'm very used to it and as you can see, there are also very kind comments," Hongjoong smiled.

"You did choose a very eye-catching colour though!" Director Park replied while eyeing Hongjoong's hair.
"I didn't, it was my daughter's wish," Hongjoong chuckled.

"Your daughters wish? What was her name again? Wasn't it Minnie?"
"Yes, that's her. She actually wanted it to be pink as it is her favorite colour but she then thought it would be better to dye it blue so I would represent a blueberry," Hongjoong explained cheerfully as memories flooded him.

"She seems like an adorable little person. Why didn't you take her with you today?"
"Oh, she felt ill and she has a fever," Hongjoong replied while his cheerful smile faded and turned into a concerned expression.

"Oh no, I'm sorry to hear that. Please tell her I wish her a fast recovery," director Park said as he led Hongjoong to the exit.

"Thank you, I will," Hongjoong smiled.
"It was a pleasure to meet you, I will contact you soon," director Park said and both men shook hands.

"Thank you for your time," Hongjoong smiled and both of them said their goodbyes.


"Papa! You're back!" Minnie exclaimed as Hongjoong entered their house.
She quickly rushed to him and gave him a big hug.

"How are you feeling, my little bean?" Hongjoong asked as he crouched down to reach Minnie's level.

"I'm okay now! But it was sooooo boring without you!I didn't have anyone to play with!" Minnie replied with a pouty face.

"Can you play with me now?" Minnie asked with big innocent eyes.
"Awwwh, I'm sorry but papa has to make food now. You're hungry, aren't you?" Hongjoong softly denied.

"I'm not hungry!" Minnie denied but then her stomach loudly rumbled.
Minnie laid her small hands on her stomach and glared at Hongjoong with a surprised expression.

"My little baby truly is hungry, hmm?" Hongjoong laughed and pinched his daughter's cheek softly.

"Mhm, I guess so. Can I help you?" Minnie excitedly asked.
"Of course!" Hongjoong chuckled, got up and walked towards their huge kitchen having a jumping  Minnie following him.


"Papa, tell me, what's the school like?" Minnie excitedly asked as Hongjoong gave her a spoon to eat her seaweed soup.

"Well, first off, the school's really big and it's pretty clean. I'm sure you'll feel comfortable there," Hongjoong said and sat down.

"Oh and did you see any students? And what about the uniforms? Are they ugly?" It seemed like Minnie had a lot more questions to ask.

"I got to chance to see many of the students because I went around the school during break time. The students look quite peaceful and playful.
And about the uniforms, in my opinion, they aren't bad. You're surely going to like them," Hongjoong smiled.

"Too bad I had to get a fever exactly today. As if God doesn't want me to see the school," Minnie pouted and shoved a spoon of rice into her mouth.

"At least you're feeling better now. That's the only thing that matters," Hongjoong replied. Minnie nodded, still with a pouting face.
A cheerful smile spread on Hongjoong's face.

"You really are the cutest angel God had," Hongjoong smiled.

"Well, too bad for him because he gifted me to you," Minnie chirped.


"Daddy, will you play with me now?" Minnie asked.
"I'm really sorry, baby, but I have to go to work now," Hongjoong answered and crouched down to his daughter.

"Oh, all right," Minnie replied with a sad look in her eyes which made Hongjoong's heart crack a little.
"I'm so so sorry," Hongjoong apologized.

"No, it's fine, papa. I'll come with you," Minnie gave her father a slight smile and went to her room to pack a few things.

Hongjoong's gaze followed his daughter. His heart hurt seeing Minnie sad but he really didn't have time.

Hongjoong used to play with Minnie a lot but then his brand grew and Hongjoong knew he was going to have even less time.

He already thought about getting Minnie a babysitter, something like a housekeeper who could take care of Minnie as Hongjoong didn't want to let Minnie home alone but on the other side he knew he can't always take Minnie to his workplace.


"Don't be mad at Papa," Hongjoong pleaded while driving to his workplace.
"I'm not mad at you," Minnie who sat at the back said.

"Really?" "Yes, really!" Minnie exclaimed and Hongjoong turned around to see a genuine smile on her face.

"I'll make it up to you one day, all right?" Hongjoong offered with relief in his voice.
"All right," Minnie replied and looked out of the window.

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