~Chapter 02~

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"What did you do this time?" The girl's mother hissed at her daughter.
"Nothing!" the girl replied with shaky voice.

"I think I can get you an answer to that," Seonghwa smiled coldly as the woman gulped.

"Your daughter has been mean to another innocent girl and was very rude, not only towards the girl but also towards me," Seonghwa explained.
"I think it's not okay to treat people with no respect that's why I came to you, it's important that you know your daughter's behavior."

"How often do I have to tell you to treat people with respect?!" The girl's mother scolded. "What are you waiting for? Apologize!"

"I-I'm sorry," the girl whispered. "Don't apologize to me, I want you to apologize to this girl," Seonghwa said and pointed towards the little girl who was hiding behind him.

"S-sorry," the girl uttered. "It's okay!" the little girl smiled.
"I sincerely apologize for my daughter's behavior," the mother said, clearly intimidated by Seonghwa.
"I'll accept the apology, I'm glad we didn't had to argue about this," Seonghwa smiled politely.

"Can I go and continue playing now?" the girl asked in a bored tone. "No, young lady, we're going home. Just wait until I tell your father about this..."

"Please excuse me for interfering your personal stuff but please don't punish her too bad. It's already beyond okay if you just have a talk with her and she knows how to do better," Seonghwa suggested.

"Thank you for your kindness and I again sincerely apologize," the woman said and bowed.
After Seonghwa gave her a supporting nod, the woman and her daughter left the playground.

"Thank you so much, sir!" the little girl who had been hiding behind him said and bowed. "It's fine, just don't let evil people like those make you feel down," Seonghwa smiled warmly as he crouched down on the girl's level.

"Do you like sweets?" "Yeah, of course!" "Well then I think I have something for you," Seonghwa said with a smile as he pulled out a lollipop from the pocket of his jacket.

"Take this. It's not poisoned, I promise," Seonghwa said and gave the girl the lollipop. "Thank you!" the little girl exclaimed with bright sparkles in her eyes.

"Let me help you with the wrapper," Seonghwa suggested and helped the girl to remove the wrapper.
"Thank you, sir. For everything you've done for me," the young girl smiled.

"Hi, I'm sorry for interrupting. My name's Yuqi, I'm one of the girls you wanted to play with a little ago. Now that that brat isn't with me, I'd like to play with you!" The girl called Yuqi said cheerfully.

"That's so kind of you!" the little girl squeaked and ran off to follow Yuqi. A silent smile appeared on Seonghwa's face as he watched the little girl playing alongside some other girls.

He let out a satisfied sigh and left the playground as he had to get back to work.

~a while later~

"Daddy, Daddy, guess what happened!" the little girl ran up to her dad.
"Are you okay, Minnie? Why are your eyes red and puffy? Did you cry?" Hongjoong said with worry in his voice.

"I'm okay, you see, some girls were mean to me but then a really nice guy came and talked to the mean girl's mom!" the girl called Minnie exclaimed cheerfully.

"And where did you get the lollipop
from?" "The nice man gave it to me," Minnie replied.

"Kim Minnie, what did I tell you about taking things from strangers?" Hongjoong softly scolded.

"I am not allowed to follow or take things from people I don't know. I'm sorry, daddy, but he promised me it isn't poisoned," Minnie whined.

"But you know people can lie," Hongjoong gently argued.
"His eyes were very sincere though! Okay, I'm sorry, I won't do it again," Minnie added as she saw her father's scolding face.

"He was really really handsome by the way!" Minnie added as her face lit up.

"Minnie! You're too young to talk about guys' looks!"

"But he really was though! I dare to say that he was even more handsome than you-"
"Yah! How can you say that to your own dad?" Hongjoong whined with a sulky face.

"Sorry, daddy, I'm just joking! You're the prettiest guy out there because no one has so beautiful blue hair like you! You're my one and only big blueberry!" Minnie giggled and gave her dad a hug.

"Where is that man? I need to thank him," Hongjoong said and stroked his daughter's hair.

"He is-oh, well not anymore," Minnie began and pointed to a nearby bench but there was no one.
"I guess he is already gone," Minnie said and pouted.
"It's so unfortunate I couldn't talk to that wonderful man..." Hongjoong whispered to himself.

Hongjoong and his little daughter Minnie had just moved to Tinytown. They came from a very loud and big city and Hongjoong wanted to live his life in peace so he decided to move to Tinytown.

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