Chapter 9|| Your lips, My lips, Apocalypse

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Lucien, the powerful leader of all Weres, had never expected to find his mate so soon. Fate had brought him to Freye, a small and seemingly delicate creature, but one whose inner strength and resilience held a beauty that captured his heart.

As they stood at the threshold of the bedroom on that moonlit night, Lucien felt an overwhelming sense of reverence and adoration for Freye. He knew that he would never push her into anything she wasn't ready for. Despite the deep yearning and desire coursing through his veins, he had the patience to wait for her, for however long it took.

Feeling a surge of boldness, Lucien stepped away from the bed and approached Freye. Closing the distance between them, he gently took her hand in his own, his eyes searching hers for any sign of hesitation. 

"May I carry you?" he asked, his voice filled with tenderness. "It's okay if you don't want to. I will wait, even if it takes years." Freye couldn't help but burst into laughter, her cheeks turning a deep shade of red. It was a beautiful sound, one that echoed through the room and warmed Lucien's heart. She never imagined that the king of all Weres would ask her permission in such a humble and sincere manner.

She realized then that despite their recent meeting, Lucien's love for her was genuine. His affection was rooted in respect and an understanding of her strength. And she, too, discovered a love blossoming within her own heart.

Lucien gazed into Freye's eyes, captivated by her beauty and the strength that emanated from her. "You are beautiful," he whispered, his voice filled with awe. Once again, her cheeks flushed a rosy hue, and he couldn't help but feel a surge of pride and warmth.

But Lucien never forgot his father's words, a reminder that a true king was nothing without his queen. He recognized Freye's power and understood that she was his equal in every sense of the word. Together, they would complement and strengthen each other, ruling their kingdom with wisdom and compassion.

In that moment, as they stood there, hand in hand, Lucien knew that their love was destined to withstand any trials that may come their way. They were bound by an unbreakable bond, a connection forged by destiny itself.

And so, in the darkness of the night, Lucien and Freye embarked on the journey of their lives, building a kingdom not just for themselves, but for all the Weres who looked up to them. With their love as their guiding light, they would inspire and lead, proving that true strength lies not only in physical power, but also in the tenderness and love that thrived within their hearts.

"Is something wrong little one?" He asked worried for his newly found mate. She had stopped laughing and is now gazing at the marbled tiles. 

He didn't know what it was, but he gently grasped her hand and led her in the bathroom thinking it would be that. If not, then he would try everything just to understand her. 

"Thank you, Lucien." 

As she stood under the warm water, feeling the tension melt away from her body, she couldn't help but reflect on how her life had changed since meeting him. The man who stood by her side, who loved her unconditionally, yet whose gentle demeanor sometimes evoked a sense of unease within her.

She traced the scars on her arm, remnants of a time when she was more naive, more vulnerable. It was during those dark days that she had encountered the woman who had saved her life, a mysterious figure with knowledge and powers beyond that of an ordinary human. 

The woman had discovered her true potential, her hidden abilities that had lain dormant for years. Her mind wandered back to that fateful night when she had taken a life, an act she still grappled with. She had killed to protect, to ensure her very survival in a world filled with danger and uncertainty. It weighed heavy on her conscience, but she knew deep down that it was a necessary evil. In this harsh reality, sacrifices had to be made, even if it meant compromising her own morals. 

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