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Wednesday 19 July, 2023 | 9 am

It started as a normal day just like every other day at Zerose High you could hear Students talking, laughing and teasing each other you could also hear Students running trying to get through the gates before their to late you could also see a group of guys just standing around looking like they were waiting for someone "Why isn't he here yet?" Gyuvin asked "I really don't know" Matthew answered "Matthew hyung isn't he your boyfriend" Yujin asked "Yes but I don't know everything honey" Matthew answered. Suddenly the Gate started closing "Shit it's already 9 am" Matthew said "That means Jiwoong hyung has to go to detention after school" Yujin said while laughing just short after the gates closed the last Students arrived but still no Jiwoong with them but they saw jong-woo one of Jiwoong's best friends they always walk together to school "jong-woo where is Jiwoong" Matthew asked "He isn't feeling well but he might come later if he's Fine again" Jong-woo answered "Ok thank you" Matthew answered after talking to Jong-woo they started walking to their Classes on the way Matthew meet up with Hao, Hanbin and Taerae while Gyuvin meet up with Ricky and Junhyeon and Yujin meet up with Gunwook.

[Year 1 Class 2] | 9:15 - 9:30 am
"Why do we have Biology in the first lesson" Yujin asked "I really don't know" Gunwook answered they already waited 15 mins for their Teacher it was normal for their Biology Teacher to be late but normally it was only 5 mins "Yujin I have a question" Gunwook said "What is it" Yujin asked curious "Isn't our Mr.Kim taking to long today" Gunwook asked "You're actually right" Yujin said but before they could talk about more their Teacher walked into the door "Sorry I had something important to do" Mr.Kim explained. "I can't wait for Lunchtime" Yujin said

[Lunch] 11 am
Finally it was already Lunchtime as soon as Yujin and Gunwook walked they noticed every single student sitting in the lunch hall "Wow I've never seen so many students in our lunch hall" gunwook said. After they finally got their food they somehow immediately saw their friends "Is Jiwoong still not here" Yujin asked as soon as he sat down "No he also doesn't text me" Matthew explained "Something doesn't sound right" Gunwook said while sitting down beside his Boyfriend Ricky "That is also what I said" Hanbin said "Ricky Gyuvin don't we need to get something for our Teacher" Junhyeon asked "Yes you're right" Gyuvin said in shock "We will be back in 5 mins" Gyuvin said before leaving together with Junhyeon and Ricky. Only 3 mins later they all suddenly heard a student screaming bloody murder "What the fuck was that" Hao asked "I don't know" Taerae answered  suddenly a student ran into the lunch hall but something was off "Isn't that Lee Seunghwan from Year 3 Class 2?" Yujin asked "You're right" Matthew answered but Seunghwan was full of blood he was bleeding from his Neck it looked like someone well bite him suddenly his whole body twisted and his eyes looked crazy he immediately jumped on a student called Anthonny and bite him in the Neck "Is he going crazy?" Gunwook asked "This is giving me All of us are dead vibes" Hao said "You're right" Matthew said "Maybe we should slowly walk out" Hanbin said "Yes let's go" Hao answered. They all started slowly making their way to the main door until Yujin suddenly tripped over something it made such a loud noise that many Zombies around them looked at them "Shit" Taerae said Hanbin and Gunwook were already almost at the door while Taerae, Yujin, Hao and Matthew still were also in the middle of the room "You guys go without us get to a safe place we will find each other again later" Matthew said before helping Yujin up and running to the other since of the lunch hall with Yujin and Taerae in his Hands "Let's go Gunwook we need to leave" Hanbin said while grabbing Gunwooks hand "Can we really leave them behind?" Gunwook asked "Yes they will be safe they gave Matthew" Hanbin answered while running "Let's for now hide in an Empty classroom" Hanbin said

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