This was the first in person visit where they allowed Syre to bring Amerie outside of the facility, although they'd be trailed by her main care workers just for safety precautions. Like Kimora emphasized it was rehab, not jail. She had her freedom, the only difference was she was simply monitored to ensure she wasn't getting anything that could fuel her addiction from the outside world.

Sighing, Syre grabbed the key from his pocket to unlock the car door. While Amerie went to the passenger side, he helped Malani into her carseat while the boys got themselves situated in the car.

"Pad." Malani pointed to her iPad that sat in the pocket behind the drivers side seat. Grabbing the iPad, Syre placed it on her lap before shutting the door and getting in his seat.

He didn't waste any time in starting the car and speeding out from the parking lot with both his security, and the people from the facility following behind the car. He kept silent the entire time, as opposed to Amerie who kept up conversation with the kids she was evidently happy to see.

And the happiness trailed over into them arriving at the water park in about 15 minutes. She took note of Syre's distance and how odd he was acting, and although she didn't care to question it, she did want to know what was going on for the simple fact of him having the kids with him. Whenever he struggled mentally, his first solution was usually drugs or alcohol to numb himself of whatever it was he was feeling. And she refused to allow that with him having nobody but them with him once it would be time for her to go back.

"What's wrong with you?" She finally spoke up to ask once it was, once again, the two of them trailing behind the kids.

Knitting his eyebrows together, Syre glanced over in her direction briefly, before looking back forward. "I'm straight." He dismissed, knowing she knew him better than to even take the answer that was an obvious lie.

"What's the point in lying to me when you know I know-."

"I said I'm straight, let it be." He cut in before she could drag the conversation out somewhere he didn't need it going. Eyeing him, Amerie simply nodded before walking ahead to walk with the kids instead. Not needing his negative energy to reflect onto her.

"Merie, we're going over there." Keoni pointed towards the water slides while him and Xyden peeled their shirts off. Malani looked between the two curiously, before turning back to her mother.

"Okay, stay together and where we can see you." She pointed to the boys who both nodded, before racing each other to take off towards the water slides.

She only let them roam free because despite the many people, this water park was associated with the penthouse she lived in. Meaning, it took special access to even get into the secluded, gated park that was full of high security and lifeguards everywhere. Even though both of the boys knew how to swim very well, and never had any problems there.

With them doing their own thing, she focused back down at Malani who started to take off her own clothes to reveal her cute bathing suit. Seeing her daughter, she grasped the hem of her own clothes to follow suit.

She'd spent a lot of time with self love through her therapist, which in turn allowed her to feel more comfortable with her body. The scars would always remain, but she learned to see them more as survivor wounds. Rather than allowing the negative to linger over them, she seen those scars as more of a testament to her strength over anything else.

Syre's eyes stayed glued on her arms, as she slowly raised the dress she wore up and over her head. He intook her obvious weight gain that had her body looking the same way it did when they first met, what originally had him drawn into her from the beginning. She was gaining in all the right places, everything going to her ass, thighs, and boobs with her stomach area and hips filling out. Her face also looked a lot fuller, slowly bringing her back to looking like herself.

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