|| Eleven ||

9 1 0

CW || Blood.

As the trio scoured the city for some place to stay, not wanting to return to that god-awful smelling apartment, Dream glanced upwards and spotted someplace suitable. "What about... There..?" He asked, pushing past George and Sapnap to run ahead and eye a nearby building up and down. George squinted to see it against the setting sun, Sapnap not even bothering to shift his gaze from the ground, and slowly nodded. "Yeah... I think that that'll do for the night... Maybe even a more permanent base of residence, y'know, if it's as good as it seems."

"What if... What if there's still people in there..?" Sapnap mumbled, finally taking the time to look up as he stumbled along after George. Dream shook his head, grinning, as he started off towards the looming prison just a few hundred metres away. "There can't be, they'd have starved to death if they were locked in a cell... And even if there IS anybody waiting in there, we could easily kill them."

Clutching his throbbing wrist, Sapnap gave a short and sharp bark of laughter. "Really? Your first idea is to just kill anybody that we come across? George said that you used to be some big ol' sap... You've really switched up, haven't you?" Dream just shrugged, stopping at the towering fence of barbed wire that surrounded the prison. "I dunno... I guess that i'm just more cautious than I used to be, y'know, i've got a family to protect now."

"A family..?" George questioned, tilting his head to the side as he led Sapnap towards a gap in the fence, where rust must have eaten through the thin metal. "Yeah, you guys... We're a family, a team, the dream team... Whether you like it or not, we're sticking together until the end, you two are my ride or die." Dream grinned goofily, pulling his pack of cigarettes out and using up the last of his lighter fuel to set one aflame, clamping it between his lips.

"Love you too, you big oaf, but that was REAAALLY corny." Sapnap laughed, pulling the chain-link fence backwards to crawl through the parting and step onto the rubble-coated lawn of the other side. "Yeah, yeah, whatever... I don't care, it was corny but it's true." He replied, following him through after George had stepped back, willing to be the last through to make sure that he could tie it shut once again.

They finally found a way inside of the building, scouting out the long and winding halls to check for infected or any survivors. "I don't think that there's been anybody here for a loooong time..." George said, pulling out his bow and nocking an arrow to shoot into a particularly dark corner. It ricocheted off of a wall and clattered to the ground, rolling over to land just in front of his feet. "Yeah, there's definitely nobody here." Sapnap laughed, wincing in pain as he accidentally smacked his wrist into a wall.

"Good, let's head back to that supplies room and see if we can find any guns... That would be really useful." Dream added but George elbowed him. "Hell no, a gun of ANY sort would be way too loud, idiot, we'd be surrounded in moments... Do you really want that to happen?" Sapnap cleared his throat. "Listen, we could put a silencer on it... Now STOP FUCKING TALKING ABOUT GUNS! I-I think that I fractured my fucking wrist in that fight with the brute... George, you said that you were going to bandage my arm, so can we PLEASE sit down somewhere so that you can hurry up with that..?"

"Right, yeah, of course..." George replied, taking his hand once again and leading the raveonette off towards the front office, he'd seen it on the way in and there seemed to be some sort of leather seats in there... They could probably sleep comfortably in the office, plus it had a secure lock and a sturdy door. Sapnap gratefully flopped backwards onto the black leather couch and held his arm out, biting his bottom lip to keep from yelping as George took a hold of his wrist and started to examine it. "Hey! Be gentle... That stings, y'know."

Dream smirked as he sat down on a chair just across the room, the office chair behind the large oak desk, and started to spin on it. "That's what she said-."

"Shut the fuck up, dumb bitch," Sapnap snarled, seething through his teeth in pain. "Ow, ow, ow, OW! George, stop! That fucking HUUUURTS!" The brunette raised an eyebrow, frowning at him. "I'm just looking at it..? Sap, you've definitely fractured your wrist, this might take a while to heal... But, it's minor, and as long as you don't seriously injure it more then it should heal perfectly fine on its own pretty quickly... Within a week or two, I suspect."

"Oh... That's good..." He laughed shakily, pulling his arm out of the Brit's grip. George glanced around the room and walked over to one of the long billowing curtains, grabbing a pair of scissors off of the desk and cutting off a suitable piece of the grey fabric. "Here... I can make you a temporary sling for your right arm if you want me to."

Shaking his head, Sapnap sighed. "No, I can tough it out, I just need a day to rest... I guess... You guys will just have to find food on your own for a while, i'll probably be back in commission pretty soon, so we just have to not starve for a while with me practically incapacitated."

"Sounds like a plan to me," Dream replied, kicking his legs up on top of the desk. "Perfect, we just have to last a week without you being able to really fight... We can manage that, we just have to work extra hard, but we'll be fine... It's just like before we met you, except we have to protect you."

"Whatever, just explore the prison while we're out, okay? You're bound to find some more supplies." George added, climbing onto another seat and leaning back. "Alright, it's a deal," Sapnap said, letting his eyes drift shut as he cradled his newly-wrapped wrist on his chest. "You guys bring back food tomorrow, i'll try to find some better weapons or something... But first, i'm definitely taking a nap"

Blood & withered roses || Dream x George x SapnapWhere stories live. Discover now