Lockdown At The Ministry

Start from the beginning

" I know, baby." He said.

A smile crept across Albany's features when Copia brought her hand to his lips, he thanked her before he softly kissed it. Resting her head against his shoulder they both got comfortable on the couch, her lover's feet were soon resting upon the coffee table. Albany flicked through some movies while she sighed deeply to herself, she was getting bored of watching movies. She missed going for long walks on the beach and driving down the highways of Los Angeles in her Father's old vehicle, she especially missed her Papa. The unholy church didn't feel the same without him around anymore, she missed his constant complaining and disapproving scowls if anyone wronged him. She sometimes sat in his office and watered his plants, his telephone rang on the odd occasion which was odd since the landline had been cut. Her voice soon broke the silence of the lounge, she was getting stir-crazy since she wasn't allowed to leave the unholy churches grounds.

" I don't know if I can bring myself to watching anything else on Netflix tonight." She said.

" We could go for a walk around the gardens again." He said before he motioned his hand towards the window. " It's sunny outside, the birds are singing and the sky is blue. We could explore one of the mausoleums."

" I thought the mausoleums were locked." She said.

" Okay, forget about that idea!" He said while his gaze met with her own. " We could play a game, there's many board games in my room."

" What kind of games?" She asked.

" How about hide and seek?" He asked.

" Hide and seek?" She asked.

" Yes." He replied.

" I feel like we're too old for those kind of childhood games." She smiled.

" The fun part is nobody is around to judge us." He said before he leaned closer towards his lover. " We can play any games we want in the hallways and the offices, it will be fun. The best out of three, yes?"

" Okay then, but can we have some set rules?" She asked.

" Okay, sure." He said.

" We can only hide on the ground floor, the other floors are off limits." She said before she turned the television off with the remote. " You can't ask your rats to help you, that's cheating. But you also have to promise you will find me. I've had a bad experiences with this game before when I was a little girl. My Brothers told me to hide, but they never came to seek me."

" Those rules are fine, but what does the winner get?" He asked.

" The games night trophy I guess." She said.

" I was thinking the loser cooks dinner tonight." He said.

" But I always cook dinner..." She said.

Albany thought for a moment before an airy laugh escaped her lips, she immediately clicked onto what he was trying to say to her. Copia planned to win, his competitive streak had finally been awoken. She playfully hit his arm with a cushion before she told him to go and hide, she herself planned to win this game he had suggested. Copia got to his feet and hurried out of the lounge, she called after him and told him to remember to only hide on the ground floor. Temporarily covering up her eyes she counted to thirty, her voice soon filled the lounge even though Copia may not hear her voice from wherever he was hiding.

" Ready or not, here I come!" She yelled.

Getting to her feet Albany looked around the lounge first before she entered the hallway, she wanted to make sure Copia hadn't sneaked back into the room and hidden behind the couch. Walking down the different hallways of the unholy church most of the office doors were locked, she had checked the ground floor stairwell and the chapel. There was no sign of him anywhere, she was now having regrets about agreeing to play his game. Sighing deeply to herself she turned into another hallway, but she soon noticed an open door. One of Copia's rats hurried through the doorway, his loyal pet had given his hiding place away. Albany smiled to herself while she approached the office, she knocked on it's door before she spoke in a playful tone.

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