i have baby sitters

Start from the beginning

I successfully made it out and walked two shops down into H&m where I grabbed a bunch of hoodies and shorts along with 2 coats since winters almost near

I grabbed 5 tops with different designs and colors and then cashed out

I saw them leaving Gucci just as I finished paying

I walked out and headed towards them

"The hell did you go!?" Daniel asked glaring at me

I just pointed already annoyed at the constant baby sitting

"Did you steal that?" Anthony said scoffing while giving me a look as if he knew I would steal

I sighed already annoyed at theses shitheads and pulled my receipt out before shoving it in front of Anthony's face and walking towards McDonald's

Zander followed me giving me an awkward smile and I smiled feeling happy I could count him as a brother

Once we ordered he distracted me so I didn't have enough time to pay because he beat me too it

A frown appeared at my lips as he put his arm around my shoulder and guided us to a table "it's my treat your my little sister " he said sending me a wink and then sitting down

I rolled my eyes but smiled as he called me his sister, I took my chicken nuggies out of the bag and took a sip of my smoothie feeling good as I felt the flavors in my mouth making Me hum a tune

I paused when I heard the same tune being hummed back

I looked up at zander and found him with tears glistening in his eyes as we stared at each other I felt something familiar...

"H-how do you know that song?" He said in shock

I pondered over it because I didnt genuinely know I just remember hearing it ever since I was born

"I'm not sure...I just heard it one day and it stuck with me" I said shrugging and continuing to eat

Zander looked confused but nodded and wiped his eyes and continued eating his cheeseburger and then soon the rest of the boys joined us making me have to scoot all the way around the circular sofa

"We got everything we need?" Asked Elias looking around the table

Everyone but me nodded

"Blair...?" Elias asked

"I need to stop by the dealership" I said eating another nuggie

"For?" He questioned

I rolled my eyes "A car what else do they sell" sarcasm dripping in my voice

Elias looked annoyed but nodded and continued eating

*15 minutes later*

We all climbed into the car and headed to the Dealership

"Dont you like your motorcycle?"
Zander asked catching my attention

"Well yea but our highschools an hour away because your family had this genius idea to live in the middle of God knows where" I said rolling my eyes "and riding a motorcycle for an hour is uncomfortable I rather get a more efficient ride" Zander nodded and I watched Elias and Daniel roll there eyes at my comment but they stayed silent

Once we pulled up I jumped out and walked inside passing the double glass doors and walking down the shiny marble floors

I heard footsteps behind me and turned around "why are you guys following me?" I said giving them a dead stare

"Who else is gonna pay" Anthony said typing away on his phone and passing me

"I'm buying my own car, fuck off" I said walking over to the woman behind the desk

"Do you happen to have an Aston Martin vantage for sale?" The lady gave me the stink eye and looked me up and down

"Honey where are your parents...?" She said giving me a fake sweet smile

I rolled my eyes and brought my credit card out sliding it towards her "look, I'm here to buy a car don't worry about my parents" she looked at me skeptically "can I see your driver's license " i pressed my lips in a thin line before nodding and taking out my fake ID and sliding it over to her giving her a fake smile in the same sickly sweet way

She examined it and sighed Before standing up "right this way" she said her voice bitter

A smile made it's way on my lips at my victory

She walked into the elevator and pressed on the 6th floor

"This is where we keep our newest arrivals, the vantage is on this platform" she said pointing to the right. I turned around and instantly knew i was gonna get this car

"May I take a look inside " I asked politely

She nodded and went over to a clear box with car keys and grabbed a white and gold one before unlocking the door to the car

I opened it and slid in liking the leather seats and the interior design

"Could I possibly get it customized inside?" I asked hopeful

She nodded "yes we have a team for that it takes about a week or less at most" I nodded in understanding

"I'll take it and I'll pay for the customization aswell"

She looked shocked for a second
I'm guessing she thought I was a broke teen not knowing what to do with her time

"R-right I'll take you to fill out the registration papers" she typed on her phone for a few seconds until we went back down to the 1st floor but this time she brought me to an office where a folder was laid on the table

"My assistant Brought the registration here, please sign everything needed " I nodded and signed the packet which took me around 15 minutes

"And for the customizing sign this paper" she said receiving the packet and passing me another piece of paper

It had all the options and choices laid out in front of me

Once I was done I paid with my credit card and the total was 158,984

I shouldn't do another big spending at least until I start more missions

"Nice doing business with you, your car should arrive in 4 to 5 days we'll notify you" she said shaking my hand and giving Me a smile. Guess she was actually happy she made a purchase I said goodbye and left the room to see the armani brothers laid out on the guest couches on there phones

"Let's go" I said passing them

Anthony stood up "you didn't even get anything I told you, you should've let us pay" he said rolling his eyes and walking past Me

"Right nothing caught my eye..." I said choosing not to tell them

"Blair you just wasted 35 minutes of my life" Daniel said dramatically and getting into the car

Elias just sighed and started the engine back home

I felt my phone buzz and saw an unread message from ryan

*Tonight,1 am,head quarters, Operation is ready*

We can't fuck this mission up....they'll know


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