Chapter 2:Meeting your new family

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You awake to the sound of birds chirping, feeling more relaxed than you have ever before. David urged you to sleep as it was getting late when you had arrived, and the family would take some time to arrive anyways. You went to the the wardrobe and found a bunch of outfits and a note.

'Hunter has informed me that you prefer softer materials, so I had this wardrobe chosen. If there is any clothing that you do not like, let me know and I will replace it.
~Your new father, David.'

After getting dressed in a t-shirt and shorts, you began to get ready to meet the family. You brushed your teeth, brushed/combed your hair, and smoothed out any wrinkles in your clothes. You parents always taught you that first impressions were important. As you finished up, you heard distant yelling. The voice hadn't matched up with any you recognized, but it was masculine in nature.

?:"so you just let Hunter bring back some bum and sleep here!? What if they are robbing the place!?"

A feminine voice replied in a meek manner, if you weren't paying attention; you would have missed it.

?:"Jason, I think it might be nice to have a new family member."

You heard a more familiar voice drown out hers, as Hunter was getting rather heated.

Hunter:"You call them a bum again and i'll knock those perfect teeth to the ground, you coagulated piss stain!"

A different feminine voice spoke sternly, like a fierce lioness scolding a cub.

?:"Hunter, we don't call eachother names. I'm sure your friend is lovely, especially with how David described them. Jason, knock off the attitude. You haven't even met them yet."

Both boys replied with a "yes mom" which was followed with another feminine voice laughing

?:"coagulated piss stain? He is more like an old snot tissue!"

The female voice referred to as "mom" sighed and said

"Mom":"Megan, do not antagonize your brother. We all need to be on our best behavior."

Footsteps are heard behind you. You turn and stare straight into David's eyes. He looks and grins at you before saying

David:"I am sure they will love you, now come on."

You nodded and began to follow him into the room. The first thing you notice is the girl laughing, wiping tears from her eyes as she constantly spouts insults. She has dark brown hair that cascades to her shoulders, vibrant green eyes, and seems rather short compared to the others; no more that 5'1". The boy currently being laughed at also had dark brown hair, it was combed to the side and was fairly neat. He had a small goatee and blue glassed that hung neatly around his blue eyes. He was probably the tallest other than Hunter, Standing at 6'2".

Hunter was shaking his head, his curled, unkept, brown hair that reached his shoulders bouncing around. He glared at the other boy with his jade green eyes, standing a full head taller at 6'6". The other girl was huddled into the corner of the couch, Blonde hair reaching her butt. Her eyes were a dark blue and seemed to be focused on the ground infront of her. She couldn't be taller than 5'7"

David smiled at his wife, green eyes glowing vibrantly at her sky blue ones. She smiled back, however she was mostly smiling to you. Her long blond hair was swaying as she waved you guys over. David's hair, Dark Brown and no more than an inch long, was neatly combed. His wife stood at 5'5" while David towered at 6'1".

Your new mother spoke up, interrupting the siblings fighting

Samantha:"Hello dear, I'm David's wife and your new mom. My name is Samantha, but you can call me whatever you like."

Her smile was blindingly sweet and gentle. You smiled back, staring at her forehead to avoid having to look into her eyes.

Y/n:"yes ma'am; my name is Y/n. I'm very thankful for your husband taking me in and I hope I can be a good heir."

The boy that was shouting earlier quickly perked up, his eyes lighting with something that you can't quite place.

Jason:"so you are Hunter's friend? Nice to meet you, I'm Jason. You don't look like you smoke crack or drink, so I'm surprised you even know Hunter."

Hunter punched his shoulder at that as you simply nodded at Jason. The girl that was still recovering from her laughter mustered up the will to speak next

Megan:"don't mind that douche, he is always a judgmental prick."

She was cut off by Samantha

Samantha:"Megan, we do not swear infront of guests!"

Megan:"they are our sibling now, right? So that means we don't have to do any of that guest special treatment bullshit. Anyways, as you probably heard, my name is Megan. I'm your big sis. Don't mind if it takes the others time to get warmed up, I'm already ready to accept you. Afterall, what else could I do to thank the person that got me out of running the boring ass company."

She smirked up at you and tossed a stick of gum.

Megan:"Hunter said you like G/F (gum flavor), so I decided to pick some up on the way here."

You smiled back and popped the gum in your mouth. Finally the girl on the couch spoke.

Skylar:"my name is Skylar. I hope we can get along."

David clapped his hands after everyone is introduced and states

David:"to get Y/n used to living with us, I will have them spend a day with them. After the week is over; we will bring them to our main home so I can begin teaching them about the company. Skylar you are first, so you can ease them into things. Jason you are after that as you aren't too frantic. My love, you will go after that; as you can help them decompress after them. Megan will be next, as you will probably take the most getting used to. Then I will go. Finally, Hunter you will have the last day as you know them best and how to best calm them down. I'm sure this will be stressful for all of us, so let's try to make this go smoothly."

Megan huffed, Skylar nodded, Samantha agreed, Hunter smirked, and Jason grumbled. David turns to you and asks

David:"are you ready to start the trial run?"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 01, 2023 ⏰

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