twenty two

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Y/ns pov

Everything's perfect, I have the perfect boyfriend who I just did it with and now am bathing with , I trust him enough to touch me like that and I haven't felt that way about anyone in a... well, never

So why do I still feel so....broken? why do I still feel weird? I loved doing it with him....but a part of it just made my skin crawl. I felt chan's hand make contact with my waist and jumped " What was that baby?" he hummed, wrapping his arms around my waist and pulling me closer making the bath water swoosh around

" I-I don't know" I shook my head and sighed " I just...still feel kinda odd"

" How so?" he hummed against my shoulder as he drew a heart shape against it in kisses

" I dont know...I wanted to do it with you, and I would definitely do it again but.....I dont know hyung" I groaned

" That's okay, you can figure it out and once you have we can talk about it. but until then we probably shouldn't do it again, I dont want to be the reason you're feeling off" he said

" that's unfair...I don't wanna make you wait" I frowned

" I don't mind, I'm not horny 24/7" he gently rubbed his hands up and down my hips " you're beautiful " he whispered then trailing loving kisses up the side of my neck, I hummed and leant it to the other side to give him more access to the skin " but, I can admire your beauty without having sex with you. Atleast, not until you're ready"

" you're so considerate...but still, you're giving up to much for me. Surely there's a compromise so that you're happy to" I mumbled

" I'm happy, I'm happy loving you. Whether we are intimate like that all the time or none of the time" he replied

I smiled and leant into the feeling of him just loving me, the feeling of his hands holding me, his lips grazing against my skin, his heart softly beating against my back. He never failed to relax me when I was in this sort of mood " i love you so much" I said

He chuckled " I love you you think we say that too much?"

" we say it whenever we feel it, there's no such thing as to much" I turned to face him, my legs either side of his as I held his shoulder and began to kiss him " right?"

" yes , definitely " he smiled then continued to kiss me "'re so goddamn perfect "

" no I'm not" I shook my head

" you are " he replied " saying that you aren't perfect is like saying the world is flat, it's not true"

I giggled happily,  I never thought I would ever be able to be happy again but now I have chan " your smile is cute" he mumbled before pecking my lips

Every time he kissed me I could feel my heart explode , in a good way of course "cmon, let's get out before we look old"

" you already are old" I snickered

" hey, don't go all seungmin on me " he said semi-sternly only making me giggle

" okay, okay" I climbed out and wrapped a towel around my waist, him following quickly after me

He hugged me then kissed me lovingly and rested his forehead on mine " don't ever be afraid to tell me if something makes you uncomfortable, okay?" I smiled then nodded happily " good boy"

I blushed softly ,hugged him and burrowed my face into the crook of his neck with a smile on my face " you're the best "

He chuckled and picked me up, carrying me to my room to lay me down and dress me himself causing me to blush the whole way through, I love the care and attention I get from him though so I don't care how flustered it makes me. I just love him so much, that's all I need.

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