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Y/ns pov

I made it into my apartment to find yong with a phone in her shaking hands , tears threatening to spill from her dark eyes.

" yong" I ran to her side " what's wrong?"

" ma and pa...they called,  they know where we are we need to get out of here" she shook her head.

The colour immediately drained from my face " t-they what?"

" they're coming here now...y/n we need to run. We need to burn our devices and get as far away from here as possible " she tried to stand up, but I pushed her down.

" I'm not leaving the life I've made for myself , you go hide in the kitchen. Lock the doors." I instructed

" What about you?" she held my forearm, a desperate look on her face.

" I'll be ok..just trust me, go to the kitchen.  I'll tell you when they're gone" I nodded, hugging her close and pecking the top of her head "I'll have protection, there are cameras here anyway. So if anything happens, you retrieve that footage and get them thrown away like they deserve "

" o-ok" she nodded " I love you bro"

" I love you too sis" I smiled weakly " now get to the kitchen and stay safe "

She pulled out of the hug and made her way slowly to the kitchen, I was happy if she was safe. Even if this was the first time I was going to see the demons that claimed to be my family in 8 years.


After waiting for what felt like an eternity I heard a knock at the door, I didn't move from my position on the couch. Instead, I simply let a groan pass by my lips as I stared forward.

" it's open." I spat, venom and rage laced in my normally weak and saddened voice. The door creaked open slowly " sit. "

Two faces I hoped never to see again came into view and sat on the chairs opposite from me.

" y/n " my mother smiled gently

" what the fuck do you want. " I cut to the chase " we are adults. We dont need or want you in our lives anymore. So get the fuck out of them. " I remained deadpanned whilst dad glared daggers at me

" son..." mom spoke, her voice frail and broken " we missed you."

" you don't get to miss me. I left because the both of you were sucky parents, and If I'm going to be completely honest you fucking ruined me. Before you switched I wasn't happy but atleast I felt alive,  now I'm not only unhappy but I'm fucking dead inside. You both are the reason for everything in my life right now, the self hatred? You. The bags under my eyes? are from spending nights crying over trauma you didn't even admit you caused me. The want to kill myself? Thats you to. The fucking searing pain in my chest? You. The wondering why I'm never good enough for anything or anyone? You. ITS ALL BEEN YOU!"  I screamed, they jumped at the sudden outburst. " yknow...its funny " I let a tear roll down my cheek as I remained deadpanned " you are my parents, I thought you were meant to make my life happy and full of love ... while in actuality , you were trying to kill all positive emotions I felt, trying to make me numb to happiness , trying to kill a dead person.....and you did, you succeeded. So congratulations."

Silently, they stared at me. Guilty looks on their once kind and thoughtful faces.

" we are so--"

" get the fuck out of my house." I spat through gritted teeth " get out of me and yongs life. You had one chance to be good parents and you fucking blew it, now take that information stick it up your ass and get out."

" son , we love you " mom reached a pleadingly hand out.

" I don't love you, maybe once upon a time. But after what you put me through? You alowed a man to rape me so you could get money for fucks sake. I know we were poor but if you really love me you wouldn't have done that." I replied bluntly " now , I remember telling you to get out. Do it before I call the police."

Dad shook his head and stood up angrily while mom sobbed and followed after him out of the door.

" yong, they're gone" I called.

She left the kitchen and walked towards me, sitting beside me on the couch " so....thay adds some closure to the situation."

" yeah I guess so " I shrugged " I'm gonna head to bed, if chan or anyone comes over just wake me up."

" k" she nodded 

After hugging her tightly I finnaly made my way to my bedroom

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