Henry's mind went blank. Unable to remember any events, but all he received were flashbacks of a burnt cityscape, witnessing a barren wasteland full of ashes. Yet none of him is a Chimera.

Henry shook his head, gripping his blanket. His past was empty, unable to recall his childhood. As if wiped from his mind leaving behind vague breadcrumb trails for his fractured mind to solve.

"I can't remember." Was all the young man could answer.

Once discharged from his stay, Henry was still not allowed to be on duty for a few days, so he decided to head home and relieve his mind from his personal issues. Entering the basement parking lot of the headquarters, Henry went over to his bright red bike. A striking model that seemed to resemble a epic sports bike from the latest release, polished and well taken care off as the chromium paint reflected the bright lights of the car park. Once the engine roared, Henry zoomed out of the underground hold, his skin glowed with the golden rays of the sun, reminding him of the days lost to him.

Henry immediately turned his head when he sensed something amiss, seeing a distorted space nearby. The empty space then violently ripped open by the time his sight caught it, revealing a portal as some sort of unidentified creature flew through. It looked liked a giant, angelical white skinned centaur wrapped in shining golden armor, with it's gray emotionless face a marvelous beauty that seemed to belong from those angelic or demonic statues you would see in churches, adorned with golden lights and bright angelic halos, and wings shining in pure white. A being so odd to look at, yet for some reason, the energy being radiated felt so familiar as if he had fought it before. Henry sped up his bike as he cursed under his breath, the creature locked its eyes on the first bunch of humans it saw. A bunch of portals opened up, firing a bright beam towards a direction close to Henry, causing explosions and strong winds as screams of terror were heard.

"I just got this bitch repaired last week." Henry hissed.

Turning up the speed of his bike further, Henry drove towards the creature. As the speed exceeded the maximum, He swerved and drove through a flyover road barrier, raising his bike to perform a wheelie and flying off the road he was on. Henry let go of his bike, jumping off with a flip, leaving the bike to fly and crash into the creature, causing it to let out a mechanical loud shriek.  The bike exploded into flames upon impact, damaging the creature exponentially. As Henry fell through the air from the height, his mind raced to think of an idea. He has no weapons and the drop will be fatal. So, his eyes rapidly looked about his surroundings, until he remembered the weapons and shield his mind had summon each time he feels vulnerable.

He just needed to utilise that same energy again.

Henry closed his eyes, and the noises of the world eased, as though time stood in a standstill. The wind became soft and gently carried him. For a moment, Henry heard a distant voice, calling him from behind. A voice so familiar but so childlike, yet resembling his own. He turned his head slightly to find the source, finding a child that shared a face he found familiar in childhood reflection, facing him with a blank stare.

Then the void consumed him, leaving nothing but himself and the child. A younger version of himself.

"Do you want to die?" The child asked.

It was merely an easy question, one that can just be answered by a simple yes or no. Yet answering it seems to carry a heavy burden of consequences.

But Henry already knew this. "No."

"Then what are you waiting for?"

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