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There's something you've noticed recently.

You've been helping Sanji in the kitchen wherever you could since you both joined the crew out on the East Blue. Washing dishes, cutting up ingredients, setting the table, and things like that. Sanji never once shies away from your company, gladly accepting your help wherever you give it. You noticed back then that he treated you, out of all the guys on the ship, just the slightest bit less…brash.

You two didn't bicker like Zoro, nor did he treat you as some sort of menace like Luffy. Sure, the way Sanji treats you isn't anything like how he danced around the ladies with hearts in his eyes. He doesn't bring you special snacks at your request, but he'll let you taste-test frostings, bread, and mixed drinks. You've never given him anything besides glowing reviews. The smile he gave at your praise was almost as cute as Chopper's.

You always thought Sanji was handsome, conveniently attractive even with his very unique eyebrows, and one of the most caring people you've encountered on the seas (even if his way of showing it is a little passive-aggressive). In your two years apart, he's seemed to have just gotten prettier.

But, since the crew joined up again, Sanji's been acting weird. Obviously, there was his already strange relationship with women and his obsession with mermaids that almost got him killed. That was, unfortunately, Standard Sanji weird. But, he's never been weird around you before.

You noticed it today while helping in the kitchen. You carefully monitor the stove as he cuts up vegetables with an odd air of…unfocus. He must be thinking about someone special with that smile creeping on his face, you think with a soft sigh. You almost look away for a second…


Before you could think twice, you shot your hand across the counter to grab Sanji, pulling his hand away right before he sliced down a bit too close to a finger. When you meet Sanji's eye, he's staring with a look you've never seen directed at you before. His eye is alit with pure awe, blush coloring his cheeks a pretty rose. You almost get lost in those deep blues before you realize you're still holding onto his hand. But Sanji hasn't pulled away and you can't bring yourself to either.

"You," You start, licking your lips as your mouth suddenly feels so dry. You notice the way Sanji's eyes flick down to follow your tongue before meeting your eyes again. You swallow, trying to find your words.

"You okay? You seem a little…distracted."

Sanji blinks once, twice, and then looks away from you. Finally having broken from his stupor, he seems almost…embarrassed as he mumbles something under his breath and you furrow your brows.


"I just can't stop thinking about…" His words trail off and you huff, gently tugging his hand. His eyes fall back on you before he, very reluctantly, pulls his hand away and puts his attention back on his vegetables. You, reluctantly as well, look back at the stove with questions swirling around in your brain. You'd ask later, you decide.

Later after dinner, most of the crew left the galley to do other things before starting their nightly routines. Tonight was a Zoro night to wash the dishes but you eagerly offered to do his chore. He looked at you weirdly but just yawned and walked off without a word. You slip into the kitchen and take your spot by the sink just as Sanji rolls up his sleeves and dunks a plate into the soapy water.

When he hands you the plate to rise, he goes wide-eyed for a moment realizing it's you, not Zoro, standing beside him. You take the plate with a small smile, wiping it down and putting it on the drying rack without a fuss. Sanji takes the moment to register your presence, turning to the sink and keeping his head down as he hands you the next dish. You both stand in a familiar silence, filled only with the gentle splash of water and soft clink of tableware.

Well, that, and your thundering heart. Your nerves caught up with you. Whatever was going on with Sanji and you couldn't be as bad as you're thinking, you're sure. But…


Sanji's voice breaks the silence and you quickly meet his eyes. He has that same look from earlier and again you wonder what has him so…enamored. He pulls his hands out of the soapy water, gently drying them on a towel next to him. You watch as he takes in a deep breath and fully turns towards you.

"You're beautiful."

The words flow out of him smooth like silk and you almost drop the glass still in your hands. You can feel your face start to flush, and the only response you're able to muster up is a quiet,


Sanji adjusts himself against the counter, hardly taking his eyes away from you. His face is that pretty pink again and you feel your heart start to beat a little faster.

"It took me two years to realize but I…"

He trails off, throat bobbing as he swallows his nerves. His eyes seem to search yours for something, though you can only imagine it's filled with little lights and hearts. As much as you'd love to keep staring into his eyes, you start to notice a line of red start to flow from Sanji's nose. He seems to have noticed as well because he slaps a hand over his face and turns away from you. Even without seeing his face, you watch him go red from his ears to his neck. You tilt your head, cracking a small amused smile.

"Dammit, don't look at me like that!" He says, voice muffled underneath his palm, "I'm trying to hold back here!"

"Holding back from what, "You wonder out loud, taking a few daring steps forward. Slowly, you take hold of his hands and bring them down to reveal just what you thought. Sanji, sporting a bright red bloody nose. It stains his and nose your still wet hands but, despite being a little grossed out, you're utterly fascinated. A bloody nose? From what?

"[Y/N]..." His voice is hesitant, eyebrows creased and eyes struggling to stay on you. His face is so red, you worry that he might just pass out before he tells you.


His eyes finally lock on you when you speak his name. You gently squeeze his hands and he returns the gesture, leaning into you.

"Please, can I.." His voice hardly whispers, and you hold your breath and will your heart to still just to hear him.  "Can I kiss you?"

You barely thought about it when you leaned up into him, struggling to hold yourself steady against the passion he returns.

And if the dishes took an hour longer than usual? That's between you and the cook.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 19, 2023 ⏰

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