"I know, there's just so much to think about, isn't there?" Kate said, lifting up her top and trying to feed the baby.

"You alright?" I asked. The breastfeeding hadn't always been easy over the past few days but Kate was determined to persevere with it. She nodded and I waited until the baby had latched on and was feeding, before continuing our earlier conversation. "Well why don't we think about what names we like for starters."

"I like traditional names, like Eleanor and Rosie and Poppy. And I suppose we'll have to use some of your family's names too, right?" Kate said.

"I would like to honour my grandmother and my mother too, in her name." I told her.

"By honouring your grandmother, you're also honouring my mother, her middle name is Elizabeth." Kate explained.

"Well that's perfect, and you'd be happy if one of her middle names were Diana?" I questioned.

"Of course Will, I know how much she meant to you." Kate replied, smiling at me, before reaching her spare hand out and holding onto mine. "What about something to honour your great grandmother and your great aunt, I know loosing them earlier this year was hard too?" she questioned, squeezing my hand as she did.

"That would be nice. My great granny's name was Elizabeth as well, so that is covered. And Aunt Margot was Margaret Rose." I told her.

"I have always loved Rosabel." Kate said, smiling and then letting go of my hand to adjust the baby so she could carry on feeding.

"For a first name?" I asked.

"I don't know, it doesn't suit her for a first name. She doesn't look like a Rosie." Kate said, stroking her cheek.

"What do you think she looks like?" I asked.

"I think she looks like an Alice." Kate smiled, not taking her eyes off the baby.

"Alice Elizabeth Diana Rosabel." I said and Kate looked up at me and smiled.

"Perfect," she agreed, "How do you feel about that Alice?" she said, looking down at the baby. "You look like an Alice, don't you? Do you like it Wills?"

"Of course, Alice is perfect." I agreed. "I suppose if that's our decision, I best call my grandmother, check it's alright with her." Kate nodded and I leant over and kissed her, before getting up from the sofa and going into the kitchen with my mobile. Pa had said that Granny was at Buckingham Palace, so I dialled through to the number and rang it. There is always a long process to get through to Granny on the phone. You have to say who you are, where you're calling from and who you wish to speak to, then you have to be put through the various switch boards before you actually speak with Granny. Then you have to hope she isn't busy, otherwise you sit on hold or talking to her private secretary while you wait. Luckily today, she wasn't busy and was ready when I called.

"Hello William." she said.

"Hello Granny, how are you?" I asked, nervously. This was the first time I had spoken to her since the baby had arrived.

"I'm good thank you, I understand you've had quite the shock." Granny said.

"Yes, it's been a busy few days to say the least." I agreed.

"How is Catherine?" Granny asked.

"She's good, she's taken the whole thing really well. It hasn't been easy." I explained.

"Well, having a baby never is, but it especially isn't when you don't know it's going to happen." Granny said, "I do need to talk to you though William."

"Of course Granny."

"I've had several meetings over the past few days with various members of government and the Commonwealth about your daughter. And I would like for her to have a title. You are the future heir to the throne after your father and despite the fact you have had a child outside of wedlock, she is still your child and she has a right to that privilege. Have you and Catherine decided on a name for her?" she said.

"We have, Alice Elizabeth Diana Rosabel." I replied.

"That's beautiful. So she will be styled as Her Royal Highness Princess Alice Elizabeth Diana Rosabel of Wales."

"Thank you Granny." I answered, slightly unsure as to whether that was the right response.

"And the other thing is her position in the line of succession. You know very well that a child born out of wedlock is not eligible to be in the line of succession but," she paused, as if she were waiting for me to say something, "but as you and Catherine were unaware of the pregnancy, we have come to an agreement." she paused again, which made me even more nervous. "And this agreement is not public, so this stays between us. If you and Catherine are to get married in the future, then Alice will be eligible to be the line of succession, however if you decide not to, then whoever you subsequently marry and have a child with, will follow you in the line of succession. Do you understand?"

"Yes Granny, I understand." I replied, still thinking about what she had said.

"The reason I would like this to stay private is for the sake of your girlfriend. At 20, she has just given birth to the child of the second in line to the throne and I don't want to put pressure on her to marry my grandson, but at the same time, I don't want her to hate herself forever for making a mistake of falling pregnant in the first place. You are both adults, you can make your own decision, but all I'm saying is you don't need to do it now."

"Thank you Granny." I said, looking into the living room, where Kate had just finished feeding Alice.

"You and I both know what can happen if two people rush too quickly into a marriage and I don't want history repeating itself for you and Catherine." she added. I knew exactly who she meant, my mother and father got married after only a few months of getting to know each other and their marriage ended in press intrusion and arguments and public media attention and then my mother's death. "I also know how hard it is getting married young. I want you to do what makes you happy Wills, both of you, all three of you in fact, not what society wants you to do."

"Thank you Granny, it really does mean a lot." I replied.

"There is two things I must ask for in return Wills." she said, her voice sounding slightly sterner now.

"Anything Granny." I responded.

"Firstly, no matter what happens between you and Catherine, you put Alice first, you have got to be a good father to that girl no matter what happens between you and Catherine." she said.

"Of course I will, and the other thing?" I replied.

"You and Catherine do not let this happen again. One time is forgivable, a mistake, but twice is simply stupidity, do you understand?" she said.

"Of course, I promise you, it won't." I answered.

"Good. I presume I'll see you when you get back." she continued.

"Thank you for sorting out our flight, Granny, Kate's very grateful as she's desperate to get home. We're going to go straight to her parents house but we may come up to Windsor for the day, and maybe to Sandringham for Christmas." I told her.

"Well, I shall look forward to it. You look after her, and Alice too." she said, sternly, but still with an endearing tone in her voice.

"I will Granny." I replied. We both then said goodbye before putting the phone down. I put it on the side in the kitchen before going back into the living room, where Kate was holding a sleeping Alice.

"Everything alright?" she asked as I sat down beside her.

"Yes, all fine." I said as I nodded. I stroked my hand over Alice's forehead. "Say hello to Her Royal Highness Princess Alice Elizabeth Diana Rosabel of Wales."

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