Part. 6

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I woke up the next day pretty late in the evening. I didn't even have time to get up and get myself together good Von was knocking on the door.
"No." I groaned out, pulling a pillow over my head. He came in anyway and sat at the foot of the bed.
"Girl it's 10 o'clock, you need to get up. I'm gone be out today, so I'm taking momma's other car and I'm leaving mines with you." He said, pulling the pillow away from me. He frowned.
"You ugly as hell and your breath stank, do something bout that please." Before I could respond he was already up and out of the room. I checked my phone, scrolling through my social media for a while before I finally got up. The first thing I did was get something to wear, just some grey sweats and a white tee. I didn't plan on doing anything but lounging around today. I did all my hygiene steps and went downstairs to find something to eat. My mom was sitting in the living room reading the paper.
"Goodmorning, ma." She looked at my over her glasses with a smile.
"Goodevening, sweetheart. You sleep well?" She asked, setting her paper down, correcting my miscalculation of time. I nodded, stretching my arms over my head and yawning.
"Those people came and set you and Von's place up. It looks nice, you just have to put your clothes and decorations up now." She spoke.
"I'll probably do it later." I said walking into the kitchen. There was already breakfast cooked so I'm glad I don't have to do it myself.
"You don't have any plans? You don't wanna explore the city?" She asked. I didn't particularly care for going out back home so I don't know what would make her think I want to here.
"Nah, I don't think so momma. How am I gonna have plans with no friends yet?" I asked, grabbing a plate and piling it with eggs, bacon, and pancakes.
"Well I won't be here today, either, so I guess you got both houses to yourself. I'm going to meet up with some friends and I won't be back till later on." I walked in the living room with my plate.
"Okay." I said, sitting down on the couch and grabbing the remote. I found something to watch on tv before I started to eat.

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