I chose this estates because it was close to Jax. Jax and Liam's packs aren't that far apart. Those two see each at least twice a week.

I've heard that Liam has a girlfriend who is human. She's not his mate or anything like that. He'd know of she was or not. The one tell sign that a human is your mate is their eyes will glow purple in your presence when their eyes land on you.

Liam is my only child that doesn't have a mate yet. He's looking. He might be tired of looking at just decided to find a chosen. Why he would chose a human I don't know. They don't know of our world. That is a very complicated situation.

I haven't met the girl yet. Because of this I don't think it's to serious.

Anyway I'm just sitting here on the back porch just gazing outside. I notice my beast starts getting a little agitated. "Whats wrong with you" I ask him. My beast's name is Midnight. He just growls at me. I roll my eyes at him.

I can feel him pacing in my head giving me a head ache. "Would you stop that. What is your deal?" I ask him again.

"Something is about to happen. I just can't put my claw on it." He says grumpy. "Is it bad?" I ask wondering if he senses some kind of attack coming. "No. Not bad. I think good." He says. I nod. I guess we'll find out soon then.

I hear a car door shut from the front. I wonder who's here. Midnight perks up hearing this urging me to go see who it is. Its probably just one of the staff that takes care of the estate.

I sit there for a few more minutes ignoring his urging before I go see. I walk back inside the house walking to the front room. The closer I get to the living area of the house a scent hits me. It is the most intoxicating scent I have ever smelled. My beast purs at the smell. I wonder if the maids are using a new air freshener. I'll have to find out what they're using. It smells of honey and pears. What is that.

I follow the scent trying to find the source only to see a the back of a girl in the living area. My beast is on full alert now. He wants to know who this girl is.

She suddenly turns around facing me. Her eyes glow purple. "Mate" my beast tells me. The one word I never thought i here. My fated. She's human. She's just staring at me not say a word. I see her gaze looking me over until her eyes lock on to mine. Her eyes shining a brighter purple. She is definitely my mate. My fated mate. I can't believe this. Midnight is purring inside me wanting me to go to her.

"OK Haven I'm back. What the hell!" I hear my son Liam say behind me. I turn around to see him. He looks as dumb struck as I feel. He saw her eyes glowing and he knows what that means. "Son." What is he doing here.

"Uh hi dad. Um this is Haven." He say introducing the girl, my mate. She's here with him. I'm trying my best to stay calm and keep Midnight calm. He's thinking that she's Liam's girlfriend. Well so am I too.

"Haven this is my dad. I swear I didn't know he was going to be here." Liam says aloud. "She's your mate?" Liam mindlinks me asking me in disbelief. "Yes. I don't understand this." I tell him honestly.

"Oh um thats ok. I guess." She says with a twinge of fear. Why is she suddenly scared. "Haven no one is going to hurt you. My dad would never hurt you. You can trust him." Liam tell Haven calmly.

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