Harry getting a lesson and a new Spiderman

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3rd Pov

Peter looked at the Microbots shocked and asked," Raphael what is that?".

Raphael instructed the microbots to take the shape of a human, after that he said," They are microbots, the project I am working on if it succeeds then you will see a new human revolution".

Peter's eyes sparkled seeing the Microbots and hearing his words, he quickly went into his scientist mode and started asking," Woah, how are you controlling these things?".

Raphael answered," By Neurotransmitter Band, another invention of mine, it can change brain waves into a special frequency that only these microbots can understand, it acts as the sole controller for them".

Peter was surprised to hear that since even Neurotransmitter Band is already a technology that surpasses current time! There are almost infinite uses of the Neurotransmitter Band! So he was curious about what Microbots can do and asked," So what these microbots can do?".

Raphael didn't reply and simply demonstrated it, he used microbots to take some metal scrap and used it to build a miniature building within a few seconds! Seeing that Peter was more shocked and Raphael said," Their main purpose is to build, using them one can build anything if he has sufficient materials for it, so tell me are you interested in this project?".

Peter nodded and said," Haha! I will be a fool if I leave my chance of being part of this? And it is not like I have any other choice", he said the last words awkwardly.

Raphael nodded and took the Neurotransmitter Band from his head and then put it into a metal box, which automatically got closed once he kept it inside it.

Peter looked at this with a confused face, and Raphael commented," I will be a fool to let the controller of my project in the open". Hearing that Peter awkwardly nodded.

Raphael sighed seeing his stupidity and thought,' I get it now why there are so many supervillains with high-tech running rampant in this city, bruh the superheroes are too stupid '.

He then said," Peter it's your first day in the Horizon High right?". Peter said," Ya, it's my first day".

Raphael said," Normally, you will be given a private lab of your own, but since you are my assistant, things are a bit complicated, my lab is several times bigger than what is provided to students so it has no problem accommodating both of us and I doubt you will have time to work on your own ideas".

Peter thought about it for a bit and said," Um, I will still like to have a bit of privacy", obviously he wanted a private lab so he can make tech related to his Spiderman identity without anyone knowing it.

Raphael nodded and said," I understand, so follow me".

Peter followed after him, and four minutes later they reached in front of a lab, at the side of the door there is a nameplate with the words Harry Osborn written on it.

Raphael took out the Nameplate, took out a marker and wrote Peter Parker on the Backside of the Nameplate, and put it back.

Peter looked at this speechlessly, he was speechless not because of the fact that he will be using Harry's lab, but because Raphael instead of putting a new nameplate, reused Harry's,

Raphael looked at his expression and said," I am too lazy to get a new nameplate, so this should do the job".

Peter became more speechless hearing that, he recollected himself and asked," Raphael why I am getting Harry's lab as mine?".

Raphael replied," Harry doesn't study in Horizon High anymore, so this vacant lab is from now yours onwards.".

Peter hearing that said," But why? Harry is gone only temporarily".

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