How it Begins

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Welcome to 'Little Aeon Stelletron', this is going to be strictly platonic with the reader! Reader is basically like the trailblazers, but is an aeon with a stellatron inside. Both Caelus and Stelle will be both in this story because I can't choose between them. Caelus is going to be the one to be fathering, or mothering, the reader as Stelle is the cool fun aunt. 

Though I still need to think about wether I should have a Caelus harem or let him just be with one of them. I'll let you guys vote on that if you want one dad or many dads. 

Anyways, hope you enjoy this story for Honkai Star Rail!


Stelle, March 7th, Welt, and Tingyun came back after the fight with Kafka, which resulted in her to get taken by Fu Xuan. Stelle and March were ready to tell Caelus all about it until they saw a crowd of fawning women around Caelus, who sat at a table in front of the hotel. The two were surprised to see this many women fawning and as they got a closer look to why Caelus was getting so much attention, they were absolutely shocked and taken aback to see a bundle up baby in the male trailblazer's arms, drinking moo moo milk in a bottle. The baby was holding Caelus' hand as he bottle-fed them the milk until it's all gone. 

Caelus then brought the baby closer and began to burp them as instructed by one of the kind fawning ladies. The baby let out a small burp and cooed softly. 

After the ladies had went back to what they were doing before, the others went up to caelus with many questions. 

"Caelus... Where did you find that baby?" Welt asked, with concern to know where the little one's parents are. 

The baby was happily nestled into Caelus' jacket as Caelus wiped some milk from their cheek, "I found them in a bubble."

Welt looked somewhat more concerned that Caelus found a baby... inside a bubble?, "A bubble?" 

"Yeah." Caelus blinked, " It was a strange shaped bubble though, just floating on top of a lily pad." 

"Caelus, can you uh... explain how you got the baby while we were away...? Like it detail?" March asked. 

"Sure." Caelus shrugged as he rocked the baby while he recounted how he ended up with the baby.

- Flashback -

He was minding his own business while he waited for the others to come back. Caelus didn't go with them because he wasn't feeling to well to travel to another place, so they allowed him to roam here and have free reign to explore.

Caelus was just walking past a pond where something out of the ordinary caught his eye. He take a look back before seeing it was an odd shaped bubble, not like the ones back at Herta's space station. It was shaped like a flower, but he didn't know what kind it was. But he saw it a book once, though only once.

When he took more of a look closer, the bubble was very large contrast to usual bubbles and inside was a little baby, asleep and vulnerable to anything that caught its eye.

'A baby? Why's a baby inside there?' Caelus asked himself in thought.

Knowing that it was dangerous to leave them alone, and that there were no signs of their parents in sight. He wanted to pop it, but he'd had to immediately catch the baby before they dropped inside the pond.

'I wonder where their parents went, surely they couldn't have just left a baby here...' The gray hair male sighed softly.

Suddenly the bubble shifted and floated to his arms before popping and the baby landing into his arms. He was stunned for a second, trying to process what just happened until the baby in his arms started to shift and awaken. He looked at the baby with his yellow eyes, staring into their curious (E/c) ones.

It wasn't long before the baby's stomach to growl and for some reason the place shook a little. He blinked in confusion again before the baby began to whimper, and it was the most cutest yet saddest thing to hear, like a puppy that had their toy taken away.

He quickly went to find some suitable baby food, but most stores wouldn't have those sort of stuff or would be out. How was he going to find food for this little babe before they cry more?

"Oh what a cute little baby! How old are they? They look to be at least 5 months!" He turned around to see a lady with a small boy at her side.

"Oh uh... Yeah they're at least 5 months..." Caelus answered, not sure whether the baby is 5 months old.

"Dear me, is this your first time being a parent? Poor baby has no proper clothes or anything..." The lady comments and is about to judge him.

"Y-yeah this is my first time being a parent...?" Caelus gulped and nervously rubbed his neck, "I couldn't find any stores or shops that sold okay or good items for babies... I didn't want to go get any expired or bad ones..."

The lady hums and takes pity on him, " Well,I can donate you some of my sons old baby stuff, I don't plan to have another child anytime."

Another lady comes over, this lady had two children, one older girl, one younger girl, "I can give you some of my girls stuff too! You look like you need it more than I! I know you'd take good care of it for your cute baby!"

Caelus was soon surround by these mothers, kind female caretakers, and other women who gave him advice about being a parent. One of the caretakers handed him a filled baby bottle of moo moo milk so he could finally feed the child.

The baby hungrily took the bottle and began to suck the milk out as the women around him began to awe and coo. He sort of felt overwhelmed by them until Stelle, March, Mr Yang, and Tingyun came back.

-Flashback end-

"And that's it." Caelus finished his story as he rocked the little baby.

"Woah... That's pretty... strange I'll say." March mumbled.

"It is strange... how do you just find a random bubble bigger than most and it has a baby inside?" Stelle asked.

"We'll need to find clues about this baby, but for now, Caelus, watch over the little one until further notice." Welt sighed.

Caelus nodded before asking, "Can I keep them?"

"Caelus, babies aren't like a pet" March crossed her arms, "Besides, maybe their parents are still looking for them!"

"But..." Caelus pouted and held the baby close, "They're already attached to me. See?"

The baby had a grip on Caelus shirt and drooled a bit before Caelus wiped it away with the bib on them.

"Well, you'll need to take full responsibility over the child, but it's never easy as one parent, so don't be afraid to come for us for any advice or help okay?" Welt said softly to him as Caelus nods and smiled at the little baby.

"The baby needs a name, we can't just call them baby...." Stelle said.

Everyone looked at Caelus who was stroking the little baby's head.

Caelus then smiles and calls out to the baby, who respond to him,

"[Your Name]."

Your Journey Begins, Dear.
Good Luck.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2023 ⏰

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