Secrets and Lies then Somebody Dies

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JJ closes the door as she enters her house but she finds it dark.

"Will! Will I have the best news!" She calls out into the dark as she puts down her bag. JJ stumbles around for a light switch until finally she finds it.

*Click*. The room is illuminated with a warm light. It reveals Will sitting in a cushy armchair with a glass. It seems to be filled with some amber colored liquid. It is well known that Will has an affinity for scotch.

"Oh! Will you scared me, why didn't you respond? I mean we just closed this case but I had the major breakthrough which solved it and I think I might want to be a profiler instead of just a liaison!"

"You know JJ that's great. I'm so happy for you but maybe you could have called when you realized your flight got delayed? I mean seriously JJ I waited for your. I made dinner for you and you can't even give me the decency of a call." Will is furious but he is also hurt. He stares into his scotch as he swirls it around and finally takes a sip.

In reality JJ's flight had not been delayed. Instead she had gone back to Emily's apartment for a little bit of decompressing. In fact the thought of what they had done in those 2 hours made JJ smile.

"Well come on. Seriously you have nothing to say?" Will scoffs and stands up to leave the room.

JJ snaps out of her thoughts. "Will I'm so sorry. You know how we have to put our phones in airplane mode and I just got a little distracted."

"With who?" Will had stood up and walked to the door. He doesn't even turn around when he says this.

"Don't be ridiculous I'm not cheating on you. You know how work is, it's the same with you. I don't get mad every time you come home late and I certainly don't accuse you of sleeping with other people." JJ feels the blood rushing to her face. Even though Will was right, it offended her that he thought so little of her.

"That's because I'm not screwing other people. Who is he? Your boss?"

"Hotch!? No you psycho I would never! I wouldn't cheat on you but anyway he has a wife and kid!" JJ walks to go grab Will's arm but he pulls away.

"You have a husband too, maybe a kid in the future. Just tell me who this guy is." Will crosses the room away to keep away from JJ.

"Will there isn't anyone. Why are you acting like this. And why won't you let me come near you." JJ tries to follow him again but he maneuvers around her and leaves the room.

JJ follows Will into the bedroom where he sits on the bed. He hangs his head in his hands and takes a deep breath.

"Your acting different JJ. You're texting someone and you smile every-time they respond. You've been distant and when your here, you're not present. We haven't even had sex in like two weeks. I thought you love me?" Will lies back on the bed and stretches out. "JJ do whatever you want but don't lie to me about it. Who is he?"

"Not he," JJ replies slowly, "and I really don't see why it matters. I'm so sorry. I'll end it and I'll do whatever you want I was a moment of weakness and I said yes. I should've said no and gone home but I didn't. I'm sorry." JJ analyzes Will's face and realizes it is blank. It doesn't seem like he heard her or if he did, he doesn't react.

Will gets up quickly and grabs JJ's arm. Before she has a chance to react he is pulling her to the living room and essentially throws her onto the couch. Looking at the bookshelf he rips down a photo album and shoved it into JJ's face. It is their wedding album.

"Look at this? Does this mean nothing to you? You look so happy but I guess something changed. What is wrong with you why would you do this to me? And a girl! What are you a homo?" Will is getting progressively angrier. He begins to get in JJ's face and pushes the photos until they are pressing into her chest.

"No Will look it wasn't like that! I love you-Ow please ease up your hurting me!" JJ begins yelling and she struggles to push Will off her.

Will now stands over JJ, his arms flailing. His face has turned red and he is getting progressively more violent. He grabs JJ's wrists and tries to drag her to the bedroom.

JJ tries to struggle away. She kicks and scratches but Will holds tight. Finally she gets him in the stomach and is able to squirm away.

JJ tries to run to the front door but Will grabs her waist and pulls her to the floor.

"STUPID BITCH! YOU CHEAT ON ME AND NOW IM THE BAD GUY?" Will presses his foot on JJ's chest and pushes until she can't breath.

"Will please stop I can't breath. WILL WILL PLEASE" JJ gets progressively more desperate. She can feel her gun pressed against her hip but she wipes the idea from her mind. What is she thinking? She can't do that to Will.

Will grabs JJ by her shirt and slams her into the ground. The edge of JJ's vision goes blurry and she can't think. Her mind is fuzzy.

If you ask JJ, she'll say she doesn't remember what happened. It was a survival mechanism and she wish it didn't have to come to that. Part of that is true, except the fact that JJ knew what she was doing.

She feels the cool metal of the gun as she pulls it from its holster. She can feel the weight of it in her hand as she lifts if. She can hear the click of the trigger and the bang of the bullet. Finally, she can see Will fall to the ground in a puddle of blood.

It will never leave JJ's memory. Seeing Will on the ground. He stammers and grabs for her but not harshly. She steps back and watches as he breathes his last breath.

Numbness sets over her but only for a few moments before she realizes what happened. Not that she regrets it. It was life or death, and she chose life. But the court of law might not see it that way.

It was hard to prove self defense in the court, JJ knew that well. They may not believe Will attacked her. Sure there was evidence of a struggle but no way to say who started it.

No...JJ needed to hide this. Make it disappear, but she would need help.

As if by instinct, she pulls out her phone and dials a number.

"Hello?" A sleepy voice picks up on the other end.

"I need help, now. My house." JJ responds almost robotically.

"I'm on my way." Emily responds.

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