A Long Day

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Working at the Bau can be stressful. Especially when traveling so much. It can get lonely. After solving a case in Utah the team decides to go out for drinks at a local bar before turning in.

     "Another round of shots please!" Slurs JJ at the bar tender. He looks her up and down and reluctantly pours her five shots. She grabs the tray and saunters sloppily over to the table. Some of the shots slosh around. She sets the tray clumsily on the table then slides into the booth next to Emily.

     "Oh, Jayje! Your finally back! I've missed you!" Emily exclaims, clearly drunk. She plants a sloppy kiss on JJ's cheek. She doesn't notice but the blonde blushes and hides a smile.

     "You brought shots!! Thank you my lord and savior Jennifer Jareau!" Penelope laughs and takes her shot quickly. "It's too bad Hotch and Rossi aren't here, they're such buzzkills!"

     "We'll at least they're doing the paper work so we don't have to," Derek leans back in his chair with an easy smile.

     "I'll toast to that!" Emily raises her shot then downs it quickly.

     "Hey guys, I don't mean to nag but it's getting pretty late and our flight leaves pretty early tomorrow," Spencer says, interrupting, "we should probably get going soon."

     "What are you complaining about pretty boy? Your not even drinking! Come on relax we got all the time in the world," Derek laughs and ruffles Spencer's hair.

     JJ smiles, "No Spence is right, let's head back. Besides if we're hung over Hotch will kick our asses!" She gets up from the table. "Come on Em, I think we're sharing a room this trip."

     Emily gets up and follows her out of the bar. She shoots one final smile at the team before both women step outside into the icy air.

     "Let's walk," JJ suggests, "It will be nice to clear our heads a little and besides, I think the hotel is close." She links arms with Emily who nods in agreement.

     Emily would never admit this to anyone but she had liked JJ since they had first met. Emily loved everyone on the team but JJ was the first person she had really connected to. She told JJ everything, they were best friends but sometimes, Emily wished they were more.

     The women head down the dark street sharing each others warmth. When Emily notices JJ shivering she offers JJ her coat.

     "I told you it was going to be cold outside tonight," Emily jokes with the blonde, "Your going to catch a cold. Here take my mittens to."

     Emily slides off her sleek black leather mittens and puts them on JJ's hands. JJ shoots Emily a grateful smile which makes her heart melt.

     They get to the hotel and are surprised to see how nice it is. The lobby is classy and grand with marble floors and soaring ceilings. As JJ heads up to the front desk to check them in, Emily hangs back a little and admires her. JJ comes back with the key card and they head up to their room.

     "Oh," JJ exclaims when she opens the door to the hotel. Emily lags a little behind in the hallway because she had both of their luggage's.

     "What is it?" Emily questions as she pushes the door open further. Her eyes widen as she sees what JJ was talking about. There is only one bed.

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